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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was offence.

Last in Parliament September 2008, as Liberal MP for Welland (Ontario)

Lost his last election, in 2011, with 14% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Helicopter Fleet September 27th, 1994

Mr. Speaker, when the government took office 11 months ago it immediately took action to stop the waste of taxpayers' money. One of these actions was the cancellation of the EH-101 helicopters. These helicopters were the Lamborghinis of the helicopter world, sleek, fast and very expensive.

They were not what was needed to modernize our helicopter fleet at a reasonable cost. Notwithstanding the commitment to modernize our fleet is something that must be done and be done soon. The present Sea Kings have done a marvellous job over the past 30 years. They are, however, near the end of their life expectancy.

I ask that the government take a serious look at replacing our helicopter fleet with an appropriate made in Canada model reflecting our commitments to our armed forces as well as the Canadian aerospace industry, both of which are so important to the constituents of Erie.

Petitions September 26th, 1994

Mr. Speaker, the second petition is on the issue of abortion. The petitioners request the government to extend protection to the unborn child by amending the Criminal Code to extend the same protection enjoyed by born human beings to unborn human beings.

Petitions September 26th, 1994

Mr. Speaker, pursuant to Standing Order 36 I have two petitions representing the views of over 600 Erie constituents which I wish to present to the House.

The first petition calls on the government to enforce the existing provisions of Criminal Code prohibiting assisted suicide. It asks that no change be made which would sanction or allow the aiding or abetting of suicide or active or passive euthanasia.

Infrastructure June 21st, 1994

Mr. Speaker, I have a question for the Minister responsible for Infrastructure.

The overview of the Canada-Ontario infrastructure agreement states that the program is intended to accelerate economic recovery by creating short and long term employment through investment in local communities.

How many short term jobs have been created to date? How many projects have been approved to date? How many long term jobs does he anticipate from these projects?

Friendship Festival June 16th, 1994

Mr. Speaker, the community of Fort Erie, Ontario is nestled on the shores of Lake Erie at the mouth of the Niagara River. This picturesque community is the co-host of the Friendship Festival.

The festival was originally organized seven years ago to recognize and commemorate 175 years of peace between the communities of Fort Erie, Ontario and Buffalo, New York and between the countries of Canada and the United States. The festival takes place on both sides of the Niagara River, one of the very battlegrounds of the war of 1812.

The festival's mission statement is to provide a forum for the people of Canada and the United States to celebrate this historical relationship and to enhance community spirit, pride, economic development and cultural awareness. The festival takes place from June 25 to July 4, encompassing these two fine countries' national holidays of July 1 and July 4 respectively.

The Friendship Festival attracts over 500,000 people annually along with hundreds of vendors, artists and hobbyists. Most important, it is a festival focused on the family and the harmonious existence of two communities that were once at war.

In a time of international political unrest and conflict, I am proud to promote an endeavour which celebrates peace and harmony among nations.

National Transportation Week June 13th, 1994

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to rise today to speak about National Transportation Week which took place last week, June 5 to June 11.

The importance of the transportation component to business is fundamental. We are reminded of it almost every day. Transportation plays an essential role in the competitive cycle. In the business community where advantages are harder than ever to come by, efficient, intermodal and competitively priced transportation is essential to success.

With the emergence of a truly global economy, the ability to forecast and adapt to international and national change is essential for transportation.

Given the world-wide demand for effective intermodal services, it is most appropriate the theme of the 25th National Transportation Week was "Intermodalism: The Perfect Fit".

We can also be proud of the dedication, professionalism and hard work of the scores of men and women who keep our transportation industries on the go year round.

Petitions May 6th, 1994

Mr. Speaker, today I have the solemn responsibility pursuant to Standing Order 36 to table a certified petition.

The petition prays for more severe penalties for those convicted of violent offences, the release of names of those young offenders convicted of murder, sex crimes and other violent assaults and the automatic transfer to adult court for those young offenders charged with sex crimes and murder.

The petition results from the fatal shooting of Carrie Lynn Pinard in the summer of 1992. The Pinard and Racine families of Welland who are with us today in the gallery have worked hard to bring this issue and this petition to the government's attention.

It is sad that such a petition has to be brought to the attention of the House. It is significant that over 54,000 people have signed it.

Young Offenders Act May 6th, 1994

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to speak of a serious concern in the minds of many Canadians, namely the often inadequate protection of society from some of the criminals who fall within the terms of the Young Offenders Act.

Under the present legislation these individuals may commit serious violent crimes and subsequently not be profoundly inconvenienced by the response of the criminal justice system.

The Young Offenders Act needs to be revisited in the light of 10 years of experience and the results thereof which are often not laudable when dealing with crimes of a violent nature.

Later today I will be presenting a petition which thousands of Canadians have signed throwing their support behind the Pinard and Racine families in their crusade to have youths convicted of serious crimes severely punished and kept in custody longer than they are at present.

The Pinard family lost its eldest daughter, Carrie, to senseless violence on August 10, 1992 in a Toronto apartment building. A companion, Cheryl Racine, was scarred for life both physically and mentally. This tragedy is an example of our inability to eradicate the use of guns in our society and to control violent behaviour in general, especially among our youth. We have yet to find the balance between protecting our society and helping our troubled youth. At present neither benefits.

Tourism April 26th, 1994

Mr. Speaker, tourism is a significant part of the economy of Erie riding and indeed of the whole Niagara region.

It is an industry with the potential to employ many more people than it does currently and this in an area of very high unemployment. The tourism industry encompasses small to large companies as well as business people of all backgrounds, including youth and seniors. The needs of these people and the tourism industry must be looked at to help them not just to survive but to prosper and expand.

Tourism is a $28 billion industry in Canada. The vast majority of the 60,000 tourist enterprises are small or medium sized businesses. Tourism tax revenues for all levels of government are estimated to be in the neighbourhood of $11 billion annually. This is an important sector of economy.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, I would point out that there was a trade deficit of $8 billion in 1993 with the rest of the world. Approximately $5.5 billion of that deficit was with the United States. We can do better; we must do better.

Petitions April 19th, 1994

Mr. Speaker, pursuant to Standing Order 36, I present a petition on behalf of the constituents of Erie. I wish I did not have to present this petition because I wish that the circumstances around this issue did not exist. However, they do.

A growing number of Canadians are fiercely opposed to the importation of killer cards. This petition adds 475 names to this list. These cards are contrary to moral and ethical standards. Canadians abhor crimes of violence against persons. Killer trading cards offer nothing positive for our children or adults to admire or emulate. Rather, they contribute to violence.

Not only do these cards glorify murder and the criminals who commit horrific acts of violence, but they act as a daily reminder to the victims, families and friends of the brutal violence that has struck down their loved ones as well as their security and faith in humanity.

A clear message must be sent to any printing company and/or distributor that this material is not acceptable to Canadians. A great number of Erie residents are opposed to this product and I join them in calling for an amendment to the laws of Canada prohibiting the importation, distribution, sale and manufacture of killer cards.

(Questions answered orally are indicated by an asterisk.)