House of Commons photo

Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was world.

Last in Parliament May 2004, as Liberal MP for Brampton Centre (Ontario)

Won his last election, in 2000, with 51% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Prebudget Consultations December 10th, 2002

Mr. Speaker, could the member tell us if he has a way of detecting on which programs the provincial governments spend the money transferred from the federal government, in cash form or point form, especially on the programs he mentioned toward the end of his speech, medical use, social programs or education, which are very important programs?

Job Creation December 6th, 2002

Mr. Speaker, the employment figure for the month of November has just been released. It is not 4,000, it is not 14,000, it is not 40,000, but 42,300 new jobs.

Could the Minister of Finance give us any new information on the employment front for the year 2002?

Supply December 5th, 2002

Mr. Speaker, I would like to ask the hon. member if she could provide the list. Perhaps she could ask the Quebec government for the list of equipment that it purchased with the $1 billion health fund transfer a while ago.

Kyoto Protocol December 2nd, 2002

Mr. Speaker, last week the hon. member for Red Deer spoke for about 11 hours here. At the end of those 11 hours I was more confused than ever before.

I would like to ask the hon. member to clarify one thing for me. The logic of the opposition is that if we have more greenhouse gases in the air we have better business. That is what they compare to the U.S., saying that obviously we would have less business. Are they proposing that we have more greenhouse gases so we can have more business in the country? Is that the proposal? Maybe he can explain to me this contradiction in logic.

Kyoto Protocol November 26th, 2002

Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of order. I would like the hon. member and the House to know that he has now surpassed the time of the greatest socialist speaker in the world, Fidel Castro. I wish him all the best.

Kyoto Protocol November 25th, 2002

We have business to do here.

Foreign Affairs November 25th, 2002

Mr. Speaker, my question is for the Secretary of State for Central and Eastern Europe and Middle East, and the Caucasus. Recently the secretary of state visited Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia to meet with government officials and business dealers to broaden Canada's contacts in the rapidly developing Caucasus region.

Will the secretary of state share with us his views on this very important visit and the outcome he achieved?

Justice November 18th, 2002

Mr. Speaker, my question is for the Solicitor General. Following the recent meeting of federal and provincial justice ministers, could the minister tell the House what the proposals for a national sex offender registry will do in terms of increasing public safety in Canada?

Ararat October 30th, 2002

Mr. Speaker, last evening the National Gallery was the site of the Ottawa premiere of world-renowned Canadian film director Atom Egoyan's film Ararat .

The Minister of Canadian Heritage joined with Telefilm Canada in welcoming the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, members of Parliament and the diplomatic corps to a special screening of the film.

Egoyan's film deals with the question of the recognition of the Armenian genocide and the effects of the continued denial on the ancestors of the victims of the first genocide of the 20th century.

Using the devise of a film within a film, Ararat invites the audience to witness aspects of the Armenian Genocide that the Ottoman Turks perpetrated against the Armenians commencing on April 24, 1915. Ararat calls for the recognition of the Armenian genocide as well as all other victims of crimes against humanity and leaves us with the thought that if we do not remember the mistakes of history we are doomed to repeat them.

I urge the House to act and recognize the genocide.

Supply October 29th, 2002

Madam Speaker, as usual the hon. member made a fantastic presentation on this point. It is obvious from the debate over the course of the day that the opposition will be joining forces against the government in voting on this motion.

Can the member confirm if former premier of Quebec Lucien Bouchard was appointed as ambassador by the then Prime Minister Brian Mulroney? Did former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney appoint Stephen Lewis as Canadian ambassador to the UN? Did our Prime Minister appoint former Prime Minister Kim Campbell as consul general to Los Angeles? Did they use the same regulations as are used today regarding the nominations and appointments of consuls general or ambassadors? The question is, have we changed the rules?