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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was missisquoi.

Last in Parliament October 2019, as Liberal MP for Brome—Missisquoi (Québec)

Won his last election, in 2015, with 44% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Research And Development December 11th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, the National Research Council and the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council have just approved $6 million in funding for 19 new projects.

I should point out that two projects of researchers at Laval University in Quebec City were among those selected. One team will receive a little over $500,000 for research in virtual reality. This research may be used in connection with hydro-electric dams.

Another team of researchers at the same university will be getting $89,000 to do research on frequency measurement in telecommunications.

With these grants, the Government of Canada is reaffirming its commitment to research and development, two of Canada's prime competitive advantages on the international scene.

Economic Recovery December 4th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, as the federal government takes steps to reduce its annual deficit and low interest rates reflect the confidence of investors in its ability to put its fiscal house in order, Quebec regions, and Brome-Missisquoi is but one example, must seize the opportunity to put together manpower, capital and programs to get the economy moving again.

In that spirit of co-operation and collaboration, we are pleased to welcome to Ottawa today the mayors and municipal councillors of Brome-Missisquoi. Our discussions will focus on small business, exports and tourism.

Speaking about co-operation, let me talk about the harmony that exists between the two communities-English 20 per cent and French 80 per cent-in my beautiful riding. Let me say how great are our people from Lake Champlain to Brome Lake to Lake Memphremagog.

I join with all my constituents in wishing everyone political peace and true economic growth in 1997 and in wishing you, Mr. Speaker, a very happy New Year.

Bank Service Charges November 27th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, Canadian banks have announced record profits.

It is true that when, as lending institutions, they take advantage of fluctuations in interest rates and exchange rates and earn money in the process, it is all part of the rules of the game. But when we are talking about service charges for consumers and small businesses, that is something else. For instance, whether we are talking about $1.10 for an automatic withdrawal, $3 per month plus 25 cents per cheque cashed, and up to $20 for a cheque that is refused or $4.50 for a certified cheque, the charges are enormous.

The growing tendency for the banks to increase their service charges must be controlled if the Canadian public is to maintain its confidence in our Canadian banking system.

Income Tax November 21st, 1996

Mr. Speaker, my question is for the Minister of Finance.

A lot of questions have been raised about Canadian corporations failing to pay their fair share of taxes. Furthermore, a lot of year end advertising encourages ordinary Canadians to take advantage of tax shelters.

Could the Minister of Finance tell the House what he is doing to ensure everyone pays their fair share?

British Columbia's Francophone Community November 6th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, Wilfrid Laurier was elected Prime Minister of Canada in June. A Liberal, he is filled with enthusiasm and determination. That was 100 years ago, in 1896.

He used to say how proud he was to be French-Canadian. And it is this pride I found in Vancouver when I met with British Columbia's francophone community in mid-October.

The 70,000 francophones living in B.C. need our help. We must help them get the access they need to French-language radio and television programming.

It is this pride to be French-Canadian they are demanding. I join with my Liberal friends, my Bloc colleagues, I am sure, and my friend, the hon. member for Beauce, in calling on Heritage Canada to set aside a special budget for B.C.-oriented programming.

Wilfrid Laurier, we salute you and assure you that the 1 million French-Canadians outside Quebec have a strong voice in this Parliament.

The Leader Of The Bloc Quebecois October 30th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, the leader of the Bloc Quebecois will be meeting, this evening, with representatives of a number of embassies.

Will he take that opportunity to tell them about the ongoing mobilization in support of job creation? Will he tell them about everything the various levels of government are doing to get the economy going again? Will his speech address our business people's growing interest in export markets? Will he remind them that the quality of life in Canada and our highly skilled workforce make Canada an ideal place to invest?

There is every indication that none of this is important enough for the BQ leader. He will address the only issue he knows about and cares about: the separation of Quebec.

This new initiative shows once again the Bloc Quebecois' inability to represent the real interests of Quebec.

Quebec's Economy October 29th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, is it a coincidence? Is it a well organized strategy?

In any case, the timing could not have been better for the Mouvement national des Québécois and the Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste of Montreal to launch their regional tour to mobilize people against Bill 86.

The announcement was made on the eve of the socio-economic summit, during which Lucien Bouchard will try to rally participants around common objectives relating to job creation and economic recovery.

Are these two organizations attempting to thwart the reconciliation efforts of Premier Bouchard? The Bloc Quebecois should answer this question and tell us officially on whose side it stands regarding the linguistic issue.

As for me, the member for Brome-Missisquoi, I said it before and I will say it again: Quebec's National Assembly must put the idea of a referendum on hold for 10 to 15 years, in order to revitalize Quebec's economy.

Montreal's Economy October 23rd, 1996

Mr. Speaker, socio-economic stakeholders, Montrealers and Quebecers in general were very optimistic and pleased following the speech delivered yesterday by the Prime Minister to the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal.

The participants greatly appreciated the call for Canadian solidarity by the Prime Minister, to help put Montreal back on its feet and get ready for the next century.

They were also pleased to see the Canadian Prime Minister hold out his hand to Lucien Bouchard and invite him to co-operate to find a solution to the real problems experienced by real people.

The threat of another referendum on separation remains the last major obstacle to Montreal's economic recovery. Let us hope the PQ government leader will soon remove this threat, which hinders

Montreal's economic development. We need political and economic certainty.

The Brome Lake Duck Festival October 10th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, Tuesday marked the beginning of the first month-long Brome Lake duck festival in my riding of Brome-Missisquoi. Modelled after the great public fairs in southwestern France, this event attracts tourists at a traditionally quieter time of year.

This international gastronomic event, a local initiative, is a fine example of co-operation between France and Canada. It involves not only culinary exchanges between chefs from Gascony and Quebec, but also the promotion of Canada's excellent products overseas.

I wish to congratulate the festival president, Jacques Ouimette, for putting his heart and soul into creating an event of this magnitude around one of Brome-Missisquoi's main assets: its local products. I join with the people of Brome-Missisquoi in inviting Canadians to come to the Eastern Townships to attend the Brome Lake duck festival.

Asbestos October 9th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, since the French government announced plans to ban the use of asbestos, government officials from Quebec have been bustling about and repeating that they are actively looking into the matter. The federal government is dealing with the matter, but the thousands of asbestos workers involved are starting to lose patience.

Could the Minister of Natural Resources tell us whether the government is actively pursuing the asbestos matter and, if so, what progress has been made so far?