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Privilege  Mr. Speaker, I wanted to add some additional comments regarding the question of privilege raised by the NDP's deputy House leader. In her comments on Thursday, as in her original submissions the week prior, the member for London—Fanshawe failed to offer any arguments that would extend the applicable requirements for the Speaker's impartiality to the other chair occupants.

June 10th, 2024House debate

Andrew ScheerConservative

Privilege  Mr. Speaker, while I am on my feet, I would also like to address the question of privilege raised by the hon. member for Winnipeg Centre regarding the hon. member for Saskatoon West. First, I am pleased to hear that she accepted the apology of our colleague when he rose on Thursday morning to advise the House that he had misspoken one word.

June 10th, 2024House debate

Andrew ScheerConservative

Foreign Interference  Mr. Speaker, one of the most basic responsibilities of any government is to protect the country from foreign threats. On this, the Prime Minister has been a complete failure. Last week, an intelligence report stated that an unknown number of parliamentarians have been “'witting' participants” in foreign interference in Canadian politics.

June 10th, 2024House debate

Andrew ScheerConservative

Democratic Institutions  Mr. Speaker, governments from countries that are hostile to Canada, that actively try to harm our citizens and our country, interfere with the most fundamental aspect of our society: our democracy. An intelligence report claims that there are members of the House whose loyalty is not solely to the people of Canada, but also to foreign governments that wish us harm.

June 6th, 2024House debate

Andrew ScheerConservative

Democratic Institutions  Mr. Speaker, this is not about offering secret briefings to MPs who have to keep all that information secret. It is about releasing the names so Canadians can know which MPs are working against the interests of Canada. I have a very simple question and the minister should be able to answer it: Are any of the MPs listed on this report of compromised members who are working against the interests of Canada currently sitting in cabinet?

June 6th, 2024House debate

Andrew ScheerConservative

Democratic Institutions  Mr. Speaker, the Liberals sat on warnings from our intelligence agencies so they could protect their own partisan interests. They have refused to hand over cabinet confidences to the Hogue commission. This next question should be really simple. Cabinet ministers get to see everything.

June 6th, 2024House debate

Andrew ScheerConservative

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, we have an Auditor General's report that may very well end up with an RCMP investigation and perhaps criminal charges, and the parliamentary secretary to the government House leader cannot even defend it. There is nothing the member can defend in the Auditor General's report.

June 6th, 2024House debate

Andrew ScheerConservative

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, the hon. member raises another aspect of this that I did not have time to cover, and I am glad he did, which is the abominable treatment of the whistle-blowers in this whole sordid affair. For example, we found out that Andrée-Lise Méthot is the founder of a green venture capital firm called Cycle Capital.

June 6th, 2024House debate

Andrew ScheerConservative

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, I think the member is absolutely right. Canadians would ask themselves why a government would do this. Why would there be government officials in the room overseeing these types of decisions, knowing that there were conflicts of interest? I think it goes back to the fact that this is the desired outcome.

June 6th, 2024House debate

Andrew ScheerConservative

Business of Supply  moved: That the House order the government, Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) and the Auditor General of Canada each to deposit with the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel, within 14 days of the adoption of this order, the following documents, created or dated since January 1, 2017, which are in its or her possession, custody or control: (a) all files, documents, briefing notes, memoranda, e-mails or any other correspondence exchanged among government officials regarding SDTC; (b) contribution and funding agreements to which SDTC is a party; (c) records detailing financial information of companies in which past or present directors or officers of SDTC had ownership, management or other financial interests; (d) SDTC conflict of interest declarations; (e) minutes of SDTC's Board of Directors and Project Review Committee; and (f) all briefing notes, memoranda, e-mails or any other correspondence exchanged between SDTC directors and SDTC management; provided that, (g) the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel shall promptly thereafter notify the Speaker whether each entity produced documents as ordered, and the Speaker, in turn, shall forthwith inform the House of the notice of the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel but, if the House stands adjourned, the Speaker shall lay the notice upon the table pursuant to Standing Order 32(1); and (h) the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel shall provide forthwith any documents received by him, pursuant to this order, to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for its independent determination of whether to investigate potential offences under the Criminal Code or any other act of Parliament.

June 6th, 2024House debate

Andrew ScheerConservative

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, apparently, answering questions does not seem to be the minister's long suit. Their responses here are completely ridiculous. They claim that this report exonerates their position, but they will not release it. This is a little like someone who is accused of a crime, walking into court and saying they have an amazing alibi that proves they are innocent, but they just cannot show it to anybody.

June 5th, 2024House debate

Andrew ScheerConservative

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, the Liberal defence of the carbon tax is in complete shambles. First, they only want Canadians to focus on the direct costs of the carbon tax and to ignore all the secondary effects like smaller paycheques and higher prices, as if Canadians have a choice of which carbon tax costs they have to pay.

June 5th, 2024House debate

Andrew ScheerConservative

Taxation  Mr. Speaker, that is just not true. Everybody knows that the carbon tax costs more than the rebate. That is why the Prime Minister was humiliated into granting a carve-out for just some people in some parts of the country. That is all we are asking for today: a carve-out on federal taxes on fuel and diesel for the summer.

May 30th, 2024House debate

Andrew ScheerConservative

Taxation  Mr. Speaker, I do not think math is the forte of someone who brags that he does not think about monetary policy and who thinks that budgets balance themselves. Maybe the reason the Prime Minister is being so cruel about this issue is that he has long forgotten the thrill of the family road trip.

May 30th, 2024House debate

Andrew ScheerConservative

Taxation  Mr. Speaker, after nine years, the NDP-Liberal Prime Minister is not worth the cost, and Canadians are suffering through his inflation and high interest rates. For many families, the best hope for a summer vacation will be a modest road trip. Parents will sketch out a budget based on meals and hotels, and a big expense will be fuel.

May 30th, 2024House debate

Andrew ScheerConservative