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Environment committee  Sorry, should I...?

March 8th, 2011Committee meeting

Paul Boothe

Environment committee  One of the first things scientists will argue about is how you get defined as a scientist. The way I think of this is if you think of the Environment Canada budget as a box, about half of the box is devoted to science. It's not just people with graduate degrees but also the people who support them as well.

March 8th, 2011Committee meeting

Paul Boothe

Environment committee  We think about, just in very round numbers, 7,000 persons in the environment, give or take, and about half of those. So in the neighbourhood of about 3,500 would be supporting or directly involved in the science.

March 8th, 2011Committee meeting

Paul Boothe

Environment committee  I think that is fair to say. I should also say, first of all, that I did teach mathematics to economists at the University of Alberta, so I should know these numbers better. Those don't sound far off. Of course with the growth of China and India, our share of the world economy is shrinking even as our economy is growing.

March 8th, 2011Committee meeting

Paul Boothe

Environment committee  Thank you for the question. Actually, Mike Keenan leads the group that does that work, so I'll ask him to respond.

March 8th, 2011Committee meeting

Paul Boothe

Environment committee  On SARA, the department is working hard to catch up, because when the legislation came in it created a big backlog. We're making progress. Am I aware of any evaluations of SARA yet? I'm not. It doesn't mean there aren't any, but I'm not aware of them. There are many groups that are very generous with their advice on how we're doing our job, and I expect I will hear about that soon.

March 8th, 2011Committee meeting

Paul Boothe

Environment committee  On climate change?

March 8th, 2011Committee meeting

Paul Boothe

Environment committee  Mr. Chairman, that was going to be my response. I apologize to the member. I don't have information about this program because it's not an Environment Canada program. It's an NRCan program. So I don't know if we can track down some information and provide it to you through the clerk of the committee.

March 8th, 2011Committee meeting

Paul Boothe

Environment committee  I'll do my best, yes.

March 8th, 2011Committee meeting

Paul Boothe

Environment committee  I would say I'm responsible for giving advice. The government and Parliament, ultimately, are responsible for the plan.

March 8th, 2011Committee meeting

Paul Boothe

Environment committee  I'd welcome the opportunity in questions to talk about our plan. If you look at the chart in the backgrounder to the minister's speech that showed the share of emissions in the various sectors for 2005, you can see that the approach is quite straightforward. We are going to use a regulatory approach for each of those sectors and work our way around the pie chart.

March 8th, 2011Committee meeting

Paul Boothe

Environment committee  Absolutely.

March 8th, 2011Committee meeting

Paul Boothe

Environment committee  First of all, I guess I would have to respectfully disagree with the commissioner when he says we have no plan. In fact, as the minister said, we are pursuing a regulatory approach. Let me just focus on the area you spoke of, rail. When you look at the transportation sector, which is the largest sector, we divide that sector into light-duty vehicles, heavy-duty vehicles, air, rail, and marine.

March 8th, 2011Committee meeting

Paul Boothe

Environment committee  First, thank you for your question, Mr. Chair. This is an important question. I'm happy to have a chance to respond to it. Basically, when you look at the website, what you see is the historical path of emissions and then three additional pieces of information for 2020, which is the target year.

March 8th, 2011Committee meeting

Paul Boothe

Environment committee  Okay, absolutely. The easiest way to explain this is to say that in the case of a growing economy, in a country with a growing population, it's not possible to go in a straight line from our current level down to our target. We have to take measures that take effect over time, and this approach will bend the line down to our target.

March 8th, 2011Committee meeting

Paul Boothe