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Foreign Affairs committee  Committee members, fellow witnesses, ladies and gentlemen, it's a great pleasure to be before this committee again. We salute the hard and very important work you do here. I need hardly remind any of you that these are very bleak times for the global economy. We're living through the first synchronized global downturn since the Great Depression, a crisis that is affecting families and communities around the world.

February 25th, 2009Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino

International Trade committee  Thank you. I know we had a colourful exchange with some of the honourable members from this side, and I don't want to leave this room with the sense that we are so ideologically at odds that we can't see the common ground. Let me put it to you very simply. We're dealing with a country here that has had some very difficult internal problems.

May 28th, 2008Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino

International Trade committee  Yes indeed. Mr. Julian, when you talk about facts, let me just spend 30 seconds on that issue. It was your party that said that if we entered into the very first of the free trade agreements, which was the cornerstone of many to come, we would lose our jobs, our pensions. We would lose our water, and we would become hewers of wood and drawers of water.

May 28th, 2008Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino

International Trade committee  What fine is appropriate? I don't know the answer to that, but it has to be painful, it has to be real, and it has to be significant. The third thing I would say is this. Of course you heard evidence of continuing violence against trade union leaders. I think that is deplorable.

May 28th, 2008Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino

International Trade committee  That's not what it says here, Mr. Julian.

May 28th, 2008Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino

International Trade committee  I'm sorry, that's not what it's saying right here, straight out of The Economist.

May 28th, 2008Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino

International Trade committee  Mr. Chair, I don't know about that company, but I'll certainly look it up. I just want to ask you, do you for a fact whether the individuals who were the so-called displaced favoured this form of economic investment or not? Do you know the answer to that? Because I'm familiar with a lot of mining activity in South America where the local population, that at first may have been reluctant, did decide, when they looked at the level of investment--for example, the investment in teaching how to re-harvest, grow cattle, grow teak, bring in schools--that in fact the investment was a good investment.

May 28th, 2008Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino

International Trade committee  I will try to answer your question, Mr. André. First of all, let me speak to the very tragic issue of killings. I'm very familiar, and have been for a long time, with unacceptably high rates of murder, not just in Colombia but in many parts of the hemisphere. It's going on in Mexico today.

May 28th, 2008Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino

International Trade committee  Our position is that, going right back to the very first of the free trade agreements that were negotiated, the Canada-U.S. agreement being the precursor to many others—a lot of people don't realize that it was the cornerstone of literally thousands of bilateral agreements that followed—when we began our negotiations with Mexico, we faced many of the same issues.

May 28th, 2008Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino

International Trade committee  With your permission, Mr. Cardin, I will answer in the language of Shakespeare rather than the language of Molière to be able to explain myself more clearly. Of course, we are in disagreement. What you say is so contestable to me—not detestable, but contestable—because if we look at the whole evolution of the post-war world, what is it that we have seen?

May 28th, 2008Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino

International Trade committee  Thank you very much, Mr. Bains. Let me answer your second question first. On the issue of what should be a higher priority--for instance, whether the European Union or India should have priority over Colombia--if we get into the business of identifying free trade agreements strictly on the basis of the size of a market, then one could simply have a list of one to five and forget everybody else.

May 28th, 2008Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino

International Trade committee  We do not support the idea of just negotiating bilateral agreements with anyone. The reason we think Colombia is so important is because Colombia is a very important country in the hemisphere, and I'm sure you would agree. It certainly is a very important country in South America.

May 28th, 2008Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino

International Trade committee  Thank you, Mr. Chairman. We're always prepared to cede some time to the Canadian Wheat Board. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I'm going to present a very short introductory statement. I promise you it will not exceed 10 minutes. I and my colleague, Sam Boutziouvis, will then be happy to answer any questions you might have.

May 28th, 2008Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino

Environment committee  On the issue of how urgent it is, I can only respond and say that if you take worst-case scenarios, you would say you'd want to be able to do it at least by 2020, but sooner would be better. The reality is that's not going to happen. All you have to do is look at a China that for the last 12 years has exceeded 10% real GDP, after you look at an India that in the last five years has seen growth rates of 7% to 8% to 9%, and then look at the Brazils, the Mexicos, the Indonesias, and on and on you go.

February 6th, 2008Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino

Environment committee  In my view, all of us should be pushing in the same direction as quickly as we possibly can, and if that means we get to a point where we can achieve stabilization by the year 2030, I will be a very happy camper. But to suggest that it will happen by 2015 is living in a dream world.

February 6th, 2008Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino