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Citizenship and Immigration committee  The Canada health transfer is the federal contribution towards support to the provinces for the provision of health care. It is the one that has the five conditions that are found in the Canada Health Act passed in 1984. That's what that one does in addition to the five principles such as extra billing and user charge prohibition.

November 17th, 2014Committee meeting

Daniel MacDonald

Citizenship and Immigration committee  No. No conversation of such a nature took place.

November 17th, 2014Committee meeting

Daniel MacDonald

Citizenship and Immigration committee  There are two elements of the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act. One is with respect to the determination and calculation of amounts of transfers, and that would be subject to conversations led by the Minister of Finance or officials depending on what.... For example, we have routine conversations with our provincial counterparts on equalization.

November 17th, 2014Committee meeting

Daniel MacDonald

Citizenship and Immigration committee  Yes, since 2007-08 for the Canada social transfer, and since 2014-15 this year for the Canada health transfer....

November 17th, 2014Committee meeting

Daniel MacDonald

Citizenship and Immigration committee  No, because, to respond to your question, the allocation is equal per capita and the reason that is so is the Canada social transfer provides funding for a broad variety of things.

November 17th, 2014Committee meeting

Daniel MacDonald

Citizenship and Immigration committee  There are three major areas.

November 17th, 2014Committee meeting

Daniel MacDonald

Citizenship and Immigration committee  The second attribute of the design of the Canada social transfer is its flexibility, its recognition of the flexibility to provide social programs. It's reflected right in the statute that it's the purpose of the transfer. So you see that in the design of the notional allocations.

November 17th, 2014Committee meeting

Daniel MacDonald

Citizenship and Immigration committee  There have been changing conditions through time as the legislation in this area has changed. For example, the Canada assistance plan was a very different federal-provincial arrangement. It was a cost-sharing program that had a very different relationship.

November 17th, 2014Committee meeting

Daniel MacDonald

Citizenship and Immigration committee  The present condition maintains that there shall be a prohibition against minimum residency, but any other details are left to the provinces and territories.

November 17th, 2014Committee meeting

Daniel MacDonald

Citizenship and Immigration committee  For the fiscal year 2014-15, this year, you're talking about $12.582 billion. In terms of allocation across the provinces and territories, you have $187 million to Newfoundland, $52 million to Prince Edward Island, $334 million to Nova Scotia, $267 million to New Brunswick, $2.9 billion to Quebec, $4.8 billion to Ontario, $454 million to Manitoba, $398 million to Saskatchewan, $1.457 billion to Alberta, $1.6 billion to British Columbia, $13 million to Yukon, $13 million to Nunavut, and $15 million to Northwest Territories.

November 17th, 2014Committee meeting

Daniel MacDonald

Citizenship and Immigration committee  The Canada social transfer is a bloc transferred to provinces and territories. Nationally it is allocated across three areas, which I described in my remarks: support for children, post-secondary education, and social assistance and other social programs. In terms of the breakdown, the notional allocation in 2014-15 for support for children was $1.3 billion or about 10.4% of the total; for post-secondary education in 2014-15 the total notional allocation was $3.86 billion or 30.7% of the total transfer; and social assistance and other social programs was a total of $7.4 billion or 59% of the total transfer.

November 17th, 2014Committee meeting

Daniel MacDonald

Citizenship and Immigration committee  It's paid out in equal installments twice each month.

November 17th, 2014Committee meeting

Daniel MacDonald

Citizenship and Immigration committee  They receive one twenty-fourth of their total.

November 17th, 2014Committee meeting

Daniel MacDonald

Citizenship and Immigration committee  That's partly correct. I don't have the name of the act from the 1950s, but it has been a characteristic of federal transfers since the fifties. It went through the unemployment insurance act, I believe was the name, and followed up through the Canada assistance plan in 1966. It was maintained, in a period when greater flexibility was provided to provinces and territories, in the creation of the Canada health and social transfer in 1996 and was carried through to the Canada social transfer when it was created in 2004.

November 17th, 2014Committee meeting

Daniel MacDonald

Citizenship and Immigration committee  Good afternoon, Mr. Chair, and honourable members of Parliament. My name is Daniel MacDonald. I am the chief of Canada health transfer/Canada social transfer and northern policy group in the federal-provincial relations division at the Department of Finance. I am here today to answer any technical questions you may have related to the changes to the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, under part 4, division 5 of Bill C-43 as they relate to the operation of the Canada social transfer itself.

November 17th, 2014Committee meeting

Daniel MacDonald