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Official Languages committee  There is funding for organizations that are members of RESDAC, but not for RESDAC itself.

February 5th, 2024Committee meeting

Mona Audet

Official Languages committee  We spoke at length about the importance of giving our members and partners the opportunity to develop French programs designed by and for francophones. We often talk about the economy, but it's a broad field. Schools, organizations and community members all participate in the economy, along with businesses.

February 5th, 2024Committee meeting

Mona Audet

Official Languages committee  I'll let Mr. Desgagné answer your question.

February 5th, 2024Committee meeting

Mona Audet

Official Languages committee  A number of our colleagues provide French courses, not just RESDAC. You just mentioned schools. Schools provide French courses for young people who speak Arabic, for example, or another language. We provide French courses, and a number of my colleagues do as well. It's important.

February 5th, 2024Committee meeting

Mona Audet

Official Languages committee  Your question is a bit annoying, but I'll try to answer it without offending anyone. You know that economic immigrants are well educated, right? I'm talking about refugees who have been in camps for three or four years. They come to the provinces and territories and don't know where to go.

February 5th, 2024Committee meeting

Mona Audet

Official Languages committee  Yes, I do, Mr. Dalton. We need to rap on the knuckles of the professional associations and tell them that people from other places have the required knowledge.

February 5th, 2024Committee meeting

Mona Audet

Official Languages committee  I can answer this question, Mr. Desgagné, as it falls within my wheelhouse. It's important to understand that the immigrants who arrive here are highly qualified. They have particular needs, depending on their status. There are different categories of immigrants, including refugees, asylum seekers and economic immigrants.

February 5th, 2024Committee meeting

Mona Audet

Official Languages committee  No, we don't. I gave an example from Manitoba earlier to show what I do on a daily basis. The network helps everyone who wants to improve their skills and knowledge. We work with all these people, because it's important. Anyone who decides to come to a literacy or skills development centre should receive quality services that reflect their francophone reality.

February 5th, 2024Committee meeting

Mona Audet

Official Languages committee  I will let you answer, Mr. Desgagnés.

February 5th, 2024Committee meeting

Mona Audet

Official Languages committee  I'll be happy to answer the question. We work very closely with the Institut de coopération pour l'éducation des adultes, or ICÉA. I'm sure you're familiar with this organization, Mr. Beaulieu. We also work with the Centre de documentation sur l'éducation des adultes et la condition féminine, or CDÉACF, which is located in Montreal.

February 5th, 2024Committee meeting

Mona Audet

Official Languages committee  I'll let Mr. Desgagné field the question.

February 5th, 2024Committee meeting

Mona Audet

Official Languages committee  I could give you a very simple example. You know that many immigrants come to settle in Canada, correct? Often, they've had a very good education and have very good qualifications, but their prior learning isn't recognized, so they can't work. Also, some don't speak English. That's why, regarding requalification, RESDAC has created a digital page that will enable these immigrants to quantify and qualify the training they can take.

February 5th, 2024Committee meeting

Mona Audet

Official Languages committee  Yes. Mr. Desgagné will explain it to you.

February 5th, 2024Committee meeting

Mona Audet

Official Languages committee  You’re right, Mr. Godin. I will give you a real example. I shouldn’t answer in the first-person plural, but I will anyway. In Manitoba, all our literacy programs are based on Louis Riel, on the Festival du voyageur, on the francophone community, on rural communities, and so on.

February 5th, 2024Committee meeting

Mona Audet

Official Languages committee  No, they absolutely could not. As I said earlier, it’s important to respect the provinces and territories and take into account where people live. If we get a document from Vancouver or somewhere else, for example, it must be adapted to our communities. We therefore have to work together to develop those tools.

February 5th, 2024Committee meeting

Mona Audet