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Natural Resources committee  I welcome the chance to cover this, because it is a key preoccupation right now across the country and the industry. We hear that loud and clear every time we engage with those players to make sure that Canada is a clean producer but also cost-competitive. I mentioned the extraordinary degree of innovation but also entrepreneurial spirit in the country.

May 14th, 2019Committee meeting

Frank Des Rosiers

Natural Resources committee  That's right.

May 14th, 2019Committee meeting

Frank Des Rosiers

Natural Resources committee  Mr. Chair, it's right to note that carbon pricing is seen widely by economists around the world as one of those powerful means to signal to the marketplace how to allocate resources and make investments, whether they're producers, consumers or heavy industries. When you're able to weave that into your everyday budget allocation, it certainly has a very powerful impact.

May 14th, 2019Committee meeting

Frank Des Rosiers

Natural Resources committee  I think those authoritative sources like the IEA and NEB are probably the most reliable sources for domestic production. We don't have an opinion on what oil this displaces.... It all goes to the world markets, and as we've seen in recent years, there can be a significant shift based on technological developments.

May 14th, 2019Committee meeting

Frank Des Rosiers

Natural Resources committee  If I may add, Mr. Chair, I'm trained as an economist and we have a good old joke in economic forecasting, which I guess could also apply to weathermen or other domains: Pick a number, pick a date, but never the two of them together. I think the same challenges apply in the oil and gas markets.

May 14th, 2019Committee meeting

Frank Des Rosiers

Natural Resources committee  It's probably not appropriate for me to comment on an exchange from a minister's and MP's perspective, but with regard to making sure that the facts of the full carbon cycle from wells to wheels in terms of our production methods are communicated, I can certainly reassure committee members that the impact we're having and the progress we're making in environmental outcomes are communicated clearly.

May 14th, 2019Committee meeting

Frank Des Rosiers

Natural Resources committee  The same is true for the IEA, for instance, where we're a very active member, to make sure that Canada can present the facts as they are.

May 14th, 2019Committee meeting

Frank Des Rosiers

Natural Resources committee  As the committee chair will I'm surely appreciate—given the lively discussions that are currently taking place in the Senate—it would be premature for us to pronounce on how the transition will take shape. Officials are reflecting on all of those considerations, but we need to see how the legislative piece lands before we can firm up all of those plans.

May 14th, 2019Committee meeting

Frank Des Rosiers

Natural Resources committee  If I may supplement this. It's true in the case of oil. It's also very true in the case of LNG. In our discussions with super majors and domestic producers as well, we hear a lot about the preoccupation with the carbon footprint, as the member is referencing, and looking at those suppliers who are seen to be clean or the cleanest in the space.

May 14th, 2019Committee meeting

Frank Des Rosiers

Natural Resources committee  It is a good point. Again, when we look at Canada's production compared not only with that of other oil or gas producers, but also in terms of energy switching, if you're looking at opportunities in the big picture for major emissions reductions, a lot of it is around moving coal to cleaner fuels, either fossil fuel or renewable energy.

May 14th, 2019Committee meeting

Frank Des Rosiers

Natural Resources committee  Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's a pleasure to be here and to report on our progress. I'm accompanied by two colleagues: Dr. Cecile Siewe, director general of the CanmetENERGY laboratory in Devon, Alberta; and Chris Evans, senior director in the petroleum resources branch at Natural Resources Canada.

May 14th, 2019Committee meeting

Frank Des Rosiers

Natural Resources committee  I mentioned some of the technologies that have been developed. You're referring to some of the multi-residential units. This was actually one of the market-based focus areas that we heard about. There was not actually a solution that was robust enough to meet our needs. You mentioned the issues around weather, but there are also challenges around high voltage.

April 30th, 2019Committee meeting

Frank Des Rosiers

Natural Resources committee  Maybe I'll just add that the purpose of that consultation is precisely to see the views of Canadians and parliamentarians, should they have views in terms of what should be involved or not. There are lots of definitions out there. In Europe, they have adopted some model within the European Commission.

April 30th, 2019Committee meeting

Frank Des Rosiers

Natural Resources committee  Exactly. Thank you, Mr. Chair. Perhaps to add to the deputy's remark, this is actually one of those areas that is important for Canada. We've seen all those cars on the road. They account for roughly a quarter of our GHG emissions in the country. Making a dent in this actually matters a great deal.

April 30th, 2019Committee meeting

Frank Des Rosiers

Environment committee  It depends on the parameter we use. If we take the parameter for the use of energy per square foot or per unit of GDP, Canada has some catch-up to do.

February 6th, 2018Committee meeting

Frank DesRosiers