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Foreign Affairs committee  Certainly the fact that the invasion of Ukraine has put the three Minsk Group co-chairs on different sides has greatly complicated the work of the OSCE Minsk Group. What I'll do is turn to my colleague Alison, who deals directly with the OSCE, to answer in more detail.

September 28th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Turner

Foreign Affairs committee  Minister Joly has called for the immediate end of all hostilities in full respect of the ceasefire.

September 28th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Turner

Foreign Affairs committee  Minister Joly has explicitly called out the Azerbaijani shelling of Armenian territory and explicitly raised this concern with her Azerbaijani counterpart.

September 28th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Turner

Foreign Affairs committee  We have taken note of the recent hostilities, but our long-standing travel advice is that Canadians should avoid travel to the border regions and Nagorno-Karabakh.

September 28th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Turner

Foreign Affairs committee  I'll defer to Alison on that question.

September 28th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Turner

Foreign Affairs committee  No. The policy that was put in place has not changed. Any group 2 military export permits requested by Turkey would not be issued.

September 28th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Turner

Foreign Affairs committee  We are currently going through the processes to implement the decision to open the embassy. Minister Joly has made it crystal clear that the embassy is to be open as soon as possible.

September 28th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Turner

Foreign Affairs committee  We have regular visits from our embassy in Moscow, which is accredited to Armenia. At the moment, I'm not aware of any other plans that are scheduled, but certainly as COVID lifts, it becomes easier to travel. We just hosted a visit of the Armenian deputy foreign minister to initiate bilateral consultations.

September 28th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Turner

Foreign Affairs committee  Thank you, Mr. Chair. As my public service career began with my being a parliamentary page—in my case, in the Senate—I always like to begin by commending Parliament for the opportunities that program offers to Canadian students. Mr. Chair, on September 13, renewed clashes broke out between the armed forces of Armenia and Azerbaijan.

September 28th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Turner

International Trade committee  In terms of banning imports, we certainly continue to look at other options that could be imposed. In addition, though, we have imposed restrictions on access to Canadian airspace and Canadian waters. That would make it very difficult for Russian goods to be transported and brought into the Canadian market.

April 6th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Turner

International Trade committee  Certainly. Our staff are continuing to focus on providing Canada's support to Ukraine in the most relevant and useful capacities. At the moment, yes, the focus on trade promotion has shifted more to dealing with the emergency response. We have deployed more resources to focus on the consular situation, on providing humanitarian assistance, and on ongoing monitoring of the political and military situation.

April 6th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Turner

International Trade committee  Certainly. Madam Chair, Canada has imposed a wide range of measures to restrict imports and exports with Russia, not just in this immediate crisis. We've had some restrictions on exports of machineries related to oil exploration going back to 2014, in response to Crimea. In addition, then, to the new sanctions that are being put in place with the restrictions on oil, we have also imposed extended export control restrictions.

April 6th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Turner

International Trade committee  Yes, the measures that have been imposed apply to both crude and specific refined oil petroleum products.

April 6th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Turner

International Trade committee  Again, as we've seen with the other agreements that have been discussed previously on the sovereign loan, this would be something that would be done bilaterally between the two governments rather than through the trade process.

February 14th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Turner

International Trade committee  Certainly Ukraine's exports of grain are quite significant, but I must confess I'm not sure if they are specifically to Russia. That is something I can look into and get back to the committee on.

February 14th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Turner