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International Trade committee  Thank you. We have heard some commentary as well from stakeholders on that issue. I guess I would reiterate that the provisional safeguards, which are in place for 200 days, are in the form of a tariff rate quota. Companies that are importing along the lines of historical volumes should be able to continue, provided that they are obtaining the permits that are required.

October 18th, 2018Committee meeting

Michèle Govier

International Trade committee  They can certainly come to us.

October 18th, 2018Committee meeting

Michèle Govier

October 18th, 2018Committee meeting

Michèle Govier

International Trade committee  On October 25, that's the case. I will emphasize that as Patrick said, although they are informed of the tariff rate quota, it's not a straight 25% on everything. The intent is really to stabilize the market, because we were very mindful of these potential supply issues that could arise.

October 18th, 2018Committee meeting

Michèle Govier

Finance committee  That's correct.

May 8th, 2018Committee meeting

Michèle Govier

Finance committee  The 60-day period was something that existed in the previous law, and I think it's just because a period under 60 days is considered a very short-term replacement, so perhaps the higher-level approval isn't required, contrary to the requirement for a longer-term replacement.

May 8th, 2018Committee meeting

Michèle Govier

Finance committee  There haven't been situations like that. Usually the replacement of the chair would be for a longer-term vacancy in the position. For example, if a chair's term had expired and a new chair had not yet been appointed, or if there had been an illness or some other long-term issue.

May 8th, 2018Committee meeting

Michèle Govier

May 8th, 2018Committee meeting

Michèle Govier

Finance committee  There is, yes.

May 8th, 2018Committee meeting

Michèle Govier

Finance committee  I'm not sure of the exact amount between vice-chair and chair. I know between the vice-chair and the members, it's approximately $40,000 per year. The chair is perhaps two levels above that. I'm not sure of the exact amount.

May 8th, 2018Committee meeting

Michèle Govier

Finance committee  It was part of the deficit reduction action plan.

May 8th, 2018Committee meeting

Michèle Govier

Finance committee  The tribunal certainly is facing a fairly busy time right now. There have not been any issues in being unable to have enough members to fulfill their work or anything of that nature. The idea behind these different amendments is to clarify certain aspects of the act. In the case of the vice-chair position, it's to ensure a clear, second-in-command, if you will, if there are vacancies in the chair position, but it's not related to any kind of existing vacancy or concerns that have happened in recent times.

May 8th, 2018Committee meeting

Michèle Govier

Finance committee  No. I thought it was related to the next section.

May 29th, 2017Committee meeting

Michèle Govier

International Trade committee  In terms of the Department of Finance, there are WTO committees held twice a year pertaining to anti-dumping and subsidies issues. We participate in those and have a lot of interactions with other international players and like-minded and not-so-like-minded countries to discuss some of these issues.

November 3rd, 2016Committee meeting

Michèle Govier

International Trade committee  In terms of the responsiveness, I was speaking specifically about the timelines. In terms of getting measures in place, I'm not aware that other countries are looking to expedite their processes. I know that Australia recently already did that as an exercise, but I think their time frames extend out a bit further than ours in many cases.

November 3rd, 2016Committee meeting

Michèle Govier