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Finance committee  The Quebec government has corrected the situation in its tax system without it becoming a loophole to financial arrangements to circumvent the tax law. So it is possible to do it, and it is advantageous. In fact, it does not confer an additional benefit on family farms; rather, it restores fairness to related party transactions as compared to unrelated party transactions.

March 9th, 2021Committee meeting

Marcel Groleau

Finance committee  It wasn't me. My mike was off.

March 9th, 2021Committee meeting

Marcel Groleau

Finance committee  Thank you, Mr. Chair. Good afternoon, members of the committee. My name is Marcel Groleau, and I am the general president of the Union des producteurs agricoles, or UPA. With me is Marc St-Roch, a specialist in agricultural taxation. He has the expertise to answer more technical questions.

March 9th, 2021Committee meeting

Marcel Groleau

International Trade committee  There are several parts to your question. First of all, with respect to CETA, it's true that the problem is not in the actual wording of the agreement. The problem is that Canada doesn't force Europeans to meet their commitments, in particular with respect to non-tariff barriers.

December 11th, 2020Committee meeting

Marcel Groleau

International Trade committee  I consider it to be somewhat like the approach adopted for climate. No single country can settle the climate issue. It's a world issue. The same is the case for food. We think that the Food and Agriculture Organization might be an appropriate body for an international agreement on sustainable food.

December 11th, 2020Committee meeting

Marcel Groleau

International Trade committee  In the United Kingdom, there are of course specialty cheeses of interest to Canadians. The United Kingdom will definitely target this market here in Canada. There is also beef. People may not know this, but we import more beef from the United Kingdom than we export to them. And yet Canada is a much larger producer on a world scale.

December 11th, 2020Committee meeting

Marcel Groleau

International Trade committee  Thank you for your question. This bill is definitely a good idea if it confirms the genuine commitment of all the political parties to this principle, and even whichever of the parties might one day form the government and be involved in bilateral or multilateral negotiations.

December 11th, 2020Committee meeting

Marcel Groleau

International Trade committee  Okay. The United Kingdom is Canada's fifth-largest trading partner. Canadian exports to the United Kingdom were approximately $20 billion in 2019, and its imports from the UK totalled $9 billion, for a positive trade balance of $10.6 billion. It's a key partner. One of the outcomes of Brexit is that the trade agreement will no longer apply to trade between Canada and the United Kingdom after December 31, 2020.

December 11th, 2020Committee meeting

Marcel Groleau

International Trade committee  Good afternoon. Thank you for inviting us to speak to the members of the committee about our point of view on the agreement between Canada and the United Kingdom, and also on the agreement Canada signed with the European Union a few years ago. In Canada, one out of every eight jobs is in the farming and agri-food sector.

December 11th, 2020Committee meeting

Marcel Groleau