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Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, voting for the Bloc Québécois is costly, and we proved it again yesterday. The costly new Bloc-Liberal coalition voted against our common-sense motion that would have enabled Canadians across the country to stay warm this winter. We cannot say it enough: The Liberals and the Bloc voted together to radically increase the carbon tax on the backs of Canadians.

November 7th, 2023House debate

Jacques GourdeConservative

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, after eight years of this incompetent Prime Minister, he has found a new partner. Yesterday, the costly new Bloc-Liberal coalition voted to keep the carbon tax on home heating for all Canadians. It is truly shameful. For the second time, what concessions did the Bloc Québécois get to keep this incompetent Prime Minister in power?

November 7th, 2023House debate

Jacques GourdeConservative

Community Support in Times of Food Insecurity  Mr. Speaker, food insecurity is accelerating across Canada. In Quebec, one in 10 Quebeckers uses food banks on a regular basis because of financial constraints. The problem is now affecting low-income workers, single mothers and people with high mortgage costs. Thousands of volunteers are supporting our food banks across the country.

October 31st, 2023House debate

Jacques GourdeConservative

Bloc Québécois  Mr. Speaker, after eight years of this Liberal government's incompetent financial management, they are foisting two carbon taxes on us, backed by the Bloc Québécois, which wants to drastically increase the carbon tax. More and more Quebeckers are struggling to make ends meet. Voting for the Bloc Québécois is costly.

October 26th, 2023House debate

Jacques GourdeConservative

Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act, 2023  Mr. Speaker, I listened carefully to my colleague's speech and to the question from the Bloc Québécois. The Bloc Québécois supports the free trade agreement with Ukraine, but opposes the export of liquefied natural gas to Europe. Does my colleague think that the Bloc Québécois is trying to have it both ways?

October 24th, 2023House debate

Jacques GourdeConservative

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, after eight years of an incompetent government managing Canada's real estate market, more and more Quebeckers who are struggling to make ends meet are being forced to live in their cars because they cannot afford their rent. These are the repercussions of a Liberal government that is mismanaging our finances.

October 24th, 2023House debate

Jacques GourdeConservative

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, Quebec was the province most affected by inflation for the fourth month in a row, yet the Bloc Québécois continues to support a radical increase in the Liberal government's second carbon tax. It is costly to vote for the Bloc when we are at a point where people are sleeping in their cars.

October 24th, 2023House debate

Jacques GourdeConservative

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, after eight years of this Liberal government, the government is introducing a second carbon tax without even assessing its impact on the regions. It is doing this with help from the Bloc Québécois, which wants to radically increase this carbon tax by voting with the government twice.

October 19th, 2023House debate

Jacques GourdeConservative

Bloc Québécois  Mr. Speaker, after eight years of this Liberal government, after eight long years of disastrous mismanagement, the government is introducing a second carbon tax with the help of the Bloc Québécois, which wants to radically increase this carbon tax by twice voting with the government.

October 17th, 2023House debate

Jacques GourdeConservative

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, after eight years of this Liberal government, after eight long years of disastrous management, the government is introducing carbon tax 2.0, and the Bloc is on board. The Bloc wants to radically increase that carbon tax and has voted with the government twice. Voting for the Bloc is costly.

October 5th, 2023House debate

Jacques GourdeConservative

Affordable Housing and Groceries Act  Madam Speaker, I have a question and I am going to look to my colleague because I know she has a lot of experience in the labour movement. If Quebec's major labour unions could step up and give people in the building trades a little more flexibility, would that help increase the number of affordable and social housing units?

October 5th, 2023House debate

Jacques GourdeConservative

Canadian Heritage  Mr. Speaker, congratulations on your election to the chair. After eight years in power, the Liberal government is trying to control freedom of speech in Canada. Granting too much power to the CRTC will limit the right to disclose what Canadians think and what they want to share on social media.

October 3rd, 2023House debate

Jacques GourdeConservative

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, with the Bloc-Liberal coalition wanting to radically increase carbon taxes, voting for the Bloc Québécois is too costly, especially since the Bloc leader does not even know the annual gas consumption for a family of four in Quebec. The Bloc-Liberal coalition does not understand the struggles of Canadian families.

September 28th, 2023House debate

Jacques GourdeConservative

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, the carbon taxes are increasing the cost of living for Canadians, including our farmers. As if eight years of Liberal incompetence were not costly enough, now the new Bloc-Liberal coalition is adding to the pile. It is scandalous. Voting for the Bloc Québécois is very costly.

September 28th, 2023House debate

Jacques GourdeConservative

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, I took the time to listen to my colleague and I found what he said about oil company profits interesting. My question will be simpler. Let us focus on Quebec, because my colleague is an expert on Quebeckers and was the environment minister. To help us understand the impact of all the gas taxes on an average family in Quebec, can the leader of the Bloc Québécois tell me how many litres of gas the average individual or average family in Quebec uses per year?

September 28th, 2023House debate

Jacques GourdeConservative