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Justice committee  My understanding is that his reference was to something in Australia. In what I looked at between Monday and today, I think his reference was to the Commonwealth criminal code on Internet offences. It's a criminal law that applies to all of Australia, although criminal law is a state power.

February 2nd, 2011Committee meeting

Carole Morency

Justice committee  Perhaps I can add to that. If you look at where the VIN appears on the vehicle, it appears in a number of places and it appears for the purpose of actually identifying that part of the vehicle or the vehicle as a whole. The licence plate, which is issued under a provincial regulatory and legislative framework, is used for different purposes as opposed to identifying the different bits and pieces that go into making the vehicle.

October 26th, 2010Committee meeting

Carole Morency

Status of Women committee  On the first question about the federal-provincial-territorial working group on missing women, it's a group of officials of the different federal and provincial governments that brings together their expertise, which is informed by work undertaken at local, regional, and provincial levels to address issues of all missing women in Canada, including, obviously, aboriginal women.

April 26th, 2010Committee meeting

Carole Morency

Status of Women committee  The work that's been undertaken through the federal-provincial-territorial working group on missing women is being informed by the work that exists and has been done elsewhere. So officials at the federal and provincial levels who work on this working group are very much aware of the Sisters in Spirit project.

April 26th, 2010Committee meeting

Carole Morency

Status of Women committee  No, it's a government official working group. But obviously we do take into consideration the substantial work undertaken by the Native Women's Association of Canada.

April 26th, 2010Committee meeting

Carole Morency

Status of Women committee  First, it is not an investigation. It is a provincial and federal government working group. We also have partners from all sectors, like the RCMP and other federal, provincial and territorial departments. This working group is doing a study. We are examining all the questions that come up in relation to the cases of missing women.

April 26th, 2010Committee meeting

Carole Morency

Status of Women committee  We hope to conclude the report and the study for federal-provincial-territorial ministers later this year, so it is an ongoing--

April 26th, 2010Committee meeting

Carole Morency

Status of Women committee  Later in the year--that's all I can say.

April 26th, 2010Committee meeting

Carole Morency

Status of Women committee  That's correct.

April 26th, 2010Committee meeting

Carole Morency

Status of Women committee  I said the Minister of Justice will be announcing the details in the coming months. That's all I can say.

April 26th, 2010Committee meeting

Carole Morency

Status of Women committee  I'm not in a position to provide the committee with any details about the forthcoming $10 million allocation. All I can do is reiterate to the committee what has already been announced in the budget and indicate that the Minister of Justice himself will be coming forward with the details about the approach to that expenditure.

April 26th, 2010Committee meeting

Carole Morency

Status of Women committee  I didn't say that.

April 26th, 2010Committee meeting

Carole Morency

Status of Women committee  You asked me two questions. First, the government's announcement in the 2010 budget referred to a $10-million investment. The Minister of Justice will be announcing the details of that budget allocation in the coming months. As the budget indicated, it will be looking at expending this amount of money over two years to address the issue of missing and murdered aboriginal women, and in particular to take concrete actions to ensure that law enforcement and the justice system meet the needs of aboriginal women and their families.

April 26th, 2010Committee meeting

Carole Morency

Status of Women committee  Good afternoon. Thank you for the opportunity to address the committee as you begin your study on violence against aboriginal women. As requested by the committee, my comments will provide a general overview of the current criminal justice framework regarding violence against women in general.

April 26th, 2010Committee meeting

Carole Morency

Bill C-2 (39th Parliament, 2nd Session) committee  As you've said in the question, the reforms proposed by Bill C-2 reintroduce what was in Bill C-22, basically increasing the age of protection from 14 to 16 and maintaining the age of protection at 18 for acts related to the sex trade or prostitution. The Criminal Code already prohibits, since 1997, child sex tourism.

October 31st, 2007Committee meeting

Carole Morency