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Finance committee  Since 2008 we have had new entrants into the marketplace and also different brands brought in by the incumbents. We have seen that pricing improvements have occurred.

May 28th, 2012Committee meeting

Pamela Miller

Finance committee  We did look at that question, and it was actually quite interesting that the prices have mirrored in urban and rural areas. We looked at some of the major new brands that have come in, some of the pricing packages, and the pricing benefits have been shown in the rural areas as well.

May 28th, 2012Committee meeting

Pamela Miller

Finance committee  Sure. We've generally seen different types of service plans of more consumer choice come into the market and some positive impacts on pricing.

May 28th, 2012Committee meeting

Pamela Miller

May 28th, 2012Committee meeting

Pamela Miller

Finance committee  It's a very capital-intensive industry. It's an industry of scale. There are a lot of incumbency advantages. So as I said, internationally, we don't see examples of a fourth player, a new entrant, coming in and going to that length of getting to that size.

May 28th, 2012Committee meeting

Pamela Miller

Finance committee  They looked at the 10% option as well as others.

May 28th, 2012Committee meeting

Pamela Miller

Finance committee  No. After the announcement, there was not a first study.

May 28th, 2012Committee meeting

Pamela Miller

Finance committee  Organic growth is allowed, so that if you had a company in the marketplace that was below 10% right now and they subsequently grew simply by acquiring more customers over 10%, they would still be able to access foreign capital. However, if they acquired the assets of another company, that would not be the case.

May 28th, 2012Committee meeting

Pamela Miller

Finance committee  That would be the case. However, when we looked at this quite extensively, we found that it's extremely unusual and it has never actually happened that a smaller company would grow to that point in the marketplace to be below.

May 28th, 2012Committee meeting

Pamela Miller

Finance committee  Even in the U.S. market, where we see a new entrance come in with foreign capital, they haven't exceeded the 10% market share of the total telecommunications market.

May 28th, 2012Committee meeting

Pamela Miller

Finance committee  There were a number of INDU hearings that looked at all the options on this issue, yes.

May 28th, 2012Committee meeting

Pamela Miller

Finance committee  A full set of industry committee meetings were held.

May 28th, 2012Committee meeting

Pamela Miller

May 28th, 2012Committee meeting

Pamela Miller

Finance committee  No. I would say there's nothing that has changed that would warrant that.

May 28th, 2012Committee meeting

Pamela Miller

Finance committee  I would also point out we had two review panels look at this issue in great detail. The telecommunications policy review panel in 2006 and the competition panel in 2008 looked at this extensively as well.

May 28th, 2012Committee meeting

Pamela Miller