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Criminal Code  Madam Speaker, for those who do not know, two weeks ago, I ran 10 kilometres to raise funds for the Centre d'aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel de Longueuil, or CALACS. It is a Longueuil-based support centre that is doing very good work helping victims of sexual assault.

October 25th, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc

Macadam Sud  Mr. Speaker, we are currently seeing a troubling rise in food insecurity and homelessness, a housing crisis that will likely be long and gruelling, and unbearable inflation rates that are primarily affecting the less fortunate, including the young people in our communities. In my riding, Macadam Sud supports young people between the ages of 12 and 35 and gives them the tools they need to improve their living conditions with respect and human dignity, especially those who find themselves marginalized when it comes to education, family and the labour market.

October 25th, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc

Homelessness Awareness Night  Mr. Speaker, today was the 34th Nuit des sans-abri, a homelessness awareness event that seeks to raise awareness about homelessness, poverty and social alienation. This year's theme is “no roof, no choice”. More than 60 municipalities across Quebec will host this event. Tent parks in the four corners of Quebec; single mothers who sleep in their car with their children; seniors who, after living in a home and working their entire lives, end up on the street; young, pregnant women with no roof over their heads, including one who will end up giving birth in the streets, in the middle of downtown Gatineau: This happens in our communities, and it is in our communities that organizations have to help battered women who stay in relationships that are toxic to themselves and their children because they cannot find a place to live.

October 20th, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc

Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act  Madam Speaker, the Conservatives are still accusing the government of inflationary spending, so I have a quick question for my colleague. According to the IMF, Canada invested $50 billion in the oil industry in 2022. I would note that the oil industry made $200 billion in profit in 2022.

October 19th, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc

Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act  Madam Speaker, what I am hearing from my Conservative friends is scary. The fight against climate change is probably one of the biggest challenges of our time. Canada is already one of the world's worst performers on this issue according to pretty much any available indicator. We really are one of the worst countries in the world when it comes to climate change.

October 19th, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc

Committees of the House  Madam Speaker, it is almost Halloween. Our colleague is trying to scare us, putting on a shocked schoolgirl act. The Liberals cannot believe the Conservatives' approach. In fact, they are one and the same. When one side is not obstructing, they are moving closure. I cannot remember how many gag orders there have been in the last two years.

October 18th, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, to listen to the Conservatives, one would think that every bit of spending is inflationary spending. Last week, the Government of Canada and the Government of Quebec finally came to an agreement on a program to speed up the construction of housing, something that we voted on a year and a half ago and from which we are now finally starting to see some results.

October 17th, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, what he just said is very interesting. He talked about the affordable housing we are losing in Canada. This brings me to a topic that does not come up very much when we talk about the housing crisis: the financialization of housing. We are talking about affordable housing because large investment trusts, often international, investment companies, are buying up affordable housing.

October 17th, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, has the government already thrown in the towel when it comes to the housing crisis? We know that Quebec needs 1.2 million new housing units by 2030. The government has announced GST breaks on new housing construction, which may enable a few thousand units to be built.

October 17th, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc

Housing  Mr. Speaker, I have good news: Quebec will match the federal government's $900‑million investment in housing. Woo-hoo! There is just one small problem: The money cannot flow because the federal government is still trying to impose conditions on Quebec instead of reaching an agreement.

October 5th, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc

Housing  Mr. Speaker, we are not the only ones whining. There are 10,000 homeless people in Quebec who are whining to the federal government right now. The Quebec finance minister met with the Deputy Prime Minister on Monday. Here is what he said this morning: “I reiterated how urgent it is that an agreement be reached...Ottawa is imposing conditions, and that is unacceptable to us”.

October 5th, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc

Housing  Mr. Speaker, can anyone guess why Quebec is the only province that is matching the $900 million from Ottawa for housing? It is because Quebec is the only province in Canada that invests in housing. Quebeckers made the progressive choice to take care of housing themselves. Instead of holding Quebec up as an example, the federal government is withholding the $900 million Quebec is entitled to, in a classic dispute in which the federal government holds all the cards.

October 5th, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc

Affordable Housing and Groceries Act  Madam Speaker, I appreciate my colleague's speech and his plea for off-market housing. I think that is the direction we need to take. I would like to ask him a question that is a bit more specific. We have a structural problem. Quebec alone needs 1.1 million housing units by 2030.

October 5th, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc

Affordable Housing and Groceries Act  Madam Speaker, I congratulate my colleague on his election and his first speech in the House. I think that he spoke with remarkable aplomb. I congratulate him. He talked about Conservative solutions to the housing crisis. The Conservatives want to talk to cities. That does not work.

October 5th, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc

Affordable Housing and Groceries Act  Madam Speaker, we passed a bill in the House that allocates $4 billion to a housing accelerator fund for municipalities. The federal government cannot talk to Quebec municipalities; it has to come to an agreement with the Quebec government. Negotiations are under way, and the share due to Quebec comes to $900 million.

October 5th, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc