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Canadian Heritage committee  Thank you, Madam Chair. This is a simple clarifying amendment that harks back to what we said earlier, ensuring that official language minority communities are supported in Bill C-11. It clarifies changing the language from “needs and circumstances” to “needs and interests”. I believe this is a positive change, not a contentious one, and that it actually will strengthen the agencies of these communities within our broadcasting system.

June 14th, 2022Committee meeting

Tim LouisLiberal

Canadian Heritage committee  Madam Chair, it's Tim. I just thought that since I introduced it I should explain it. This amendment basically brings terms in the Broadcasting Act in line with language preferred by official language minority communities. It would better reflect the official language that minority communities prefer to use themselves.

June 14th, 2022Committee meeting

Tim LouisLiberal

Canadian Heritage committee  That's not enough to answer a question, but again—

June 6th, 2022Committee meeting

Tim LouisLiberal

Canadian Heritage committee  Thank you very much, Chair. Thank you, Minister, for being here. I appreciate your time and that you're listening to the arts sector. Over the course of the study, we've heard witness after witness tell just how vital this bill is for our cultural sector and how urgent it is to get it through.

June 6th, 2022Committee meeting

Tim LouisLiberal

Canadian Heritage committee  Thank you. I think we all agree that a copy and paste solution won't work. I would like to hear from you directly about how Bill C-11 excludes individuals from these requirements. We've heard you use just today the term “platforms in, users out”. You've used that many times. Can you expand on what you mean when you say that?

June 6th, 2022Committee meeting

Tim LouisLiberal

Canadian Heritage committee  I appreciate that. It's not only about the revenues too. It's about getting our songs out there. To make a living, you have to be heard, and right now foreign streaming services have zero obligation to promote our Canadian creators, even to Canadian artists. We talk about streaming and we're hearing, like you said, that the platforms are doing well.

May 31st, 2022Committee meeting

Tim LouisLiberal

Canadian Heritage committee  I appreciate your saying that. Coming from you, that certainly means a lot. I want to thank you for being here. I'm almost out of time, but I think you've earned the right to be here and to share your story with us so that we can find the next artists from Kingston, Kitchener, where I'm from, Yukon or anywhere in Canada.

May 31st, 2022Committee meeting

Tim LouisLiberal

Canadian Heritage committee  Thank you very much, Madam Chair. I want to thank all the panellists for being here. It's a tremendous panel. I really appreciate your time. I would direct my questions right now to Mr. Gordon Sinclair. I would say that The Tragically Hip certainly qualifies as a source of pride for Canadian talent.

May 31st, 2022Committee meeting

Tim LouisLiberal

Canadian Heritage committee  In other words, you don't mind sharing the system. You just want to share the responsibility and share that...?

May 31st, 2022Committee meeting

Tim LouisLiberal

Canadian Heritage committee  Another thing we've heard is that sometimes they would say that our legacy organizations are here just to protect their own jobs, but can you explain that these are jobs for Canadians in our community and how you're working to be more nimble in this digital age in growing your own industry?

May 31st, 2022Committee meeting

Tim LouisLiberal

Canadian Heritage committee  Thank you, Madam Chair. Thank you to all of our panellists. I really appreciate your being here and your expertise. I'm sitting right next to you, Mr. Desjardins. Maybe I can continue talking to the Canadian Association of Broadcasters. I want to ask you about the size and scope of the Canadian Association of Broadcasters, how much content you're making, how much you're already contributing to production funds across Canada, and just about the size and scope of where you are as an organization.

May 31st, 2022Committee meeting

Tim LouisLiberal

Canadian Heritage committee  One thing you mentioned in your opening statement was that entertainment programming is what's sustaining news programming. That's something I think we have not heard enough about, how not doing anything to update the Broadcasting Act would hurt not only our cultural sovereignty and our stories but also our news.

May 31st, 2022Committee meeting

Tim LouisLiberal

Canadian Heritage committee  Fantastic. Now, some are taking the approach that legacy broadcasters have seen their time and they're done. We still have the spoken word, right? Writing is not going anywhere. Television was supposed to take out the movie industry, and that didn't happen. Can you tell me about your relevance moving forward and your vision of what the future of Canadian broadcasting is going to be?

May 31st, 2022Committee meeting

Tim LouisLiberal

Canadian Heritage committee  Thank you. Some people are saying proposed section 4.2 provides sweeping powers. You've already addressed it, but it bears talking more about it. Can you correct the false assumption that there are sweeping powers for the CRTC in proposed section 4.2? What are those regulatory powers that are granted?

May 31st, 2022Committee meeting

Tim LouisLiberal

Canadian Heritage committee  Thank you very much, Madam Chair. I want to thank all our panellists for being here today. It is much appreciated. I will direct my question to Professor Trudel. Much of the debate on Bill C-11 has muddled a very important distinction. The Internet does not simply equate to social media platforms, and platforms don't equate to the whole of the Internet.

May 31st, 2022Committee meeting

Tim LouisLiberal