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Electoral Participation Act  Madam Speaker, I think about the NDP going into this committee and opposing the date change. That is very important and I applaud them for that. Now when it comes to the member's question on what ideas are out there, and what the Conservatives are bringing forward, perhaps I can bring an idea forward to get Canadians more engaged.

June 17th, 2024House debate

Len WebberConservative

Electoral Participation Act  Madam Speaker, I am all about engaging Canadians and getting them out to vote. Whatever it takes to get them out to vote, let us get them out to vote. The issue that my Conservative colleagues and I have is, again, I repeat, the date change that would create pensions for losing Liberal and NDP members.

June 17th, 2024House debate

Len WebberConservative

Electoral Participation Act  Madam Speaker, the hon. member brought up the point of conflict of interest, which I brought up in my speech, and I absolutely believe that these individuals who were elected in 2019, who are the ones who would benefit from this change of date with the pensions they would be provided, should not be able to vote in the House on the bill, not be able to speak in the House on the bill and not be able to even ask questions about the bill if there is any conflict of interest, and I see it with these members.

June 17th, 2024House debate

Len WebberConservative

Electoral Participation Act  Madam Speaker, the hon. member is a good man who I highly respect, and even more so for opposing this in committee, where it will go. On that note, I feel that perhaps the pension date may not change as long as the Liberals do not support that portion of the bill. With respect to youth, they are becoming more vocal and more engaged, which is what I have seen in the schools that I have attended.

June 17th, 2024House debate

Len WebberConservative

Electoral Participation Act  Madam Speaker, I would absolutely hope that if the bill goes to committee, which I expect it to do because of the support of both the Liberal and the NDP caucuses, it has to be amended. It has to eliminate that opportunity for these losing Liberals and losing NDP members to get that pension because of the date changes.

June 17th, 2024House debate

Len WebberConservative

Electoral Participation Act  Madam Speaker, today I rise to speak to this bill, Bill C-65, the electoral participation act. However, I like to refer to it as the electoral ousted Liberal pension act. Some of my colleagues refer to it as the NDP-Liberal election pension protection act. As a member of Parliament, though, Madam Speaker, I am deeply committed to upholding the principles of democracy and fairness, and I must voice my strong opposition to this legislation and to its detrimental implications for our political system.

June 17th, 2024House debate

Len WebberConservative

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, Canadians trust the independent and impartial Parliamentary Budget Officer. This is likely because the PBO shows its homework instead of relying on the old “just trust me” routine. Because of the PBO, we know that there exists government data showing what the true cost of the carbon tax is, but the Liberal-NDP government does not want to show the homework that is contained in that secret report.

June 7th, 2024House debate

Len WebberConservative

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, Canadians want to see that secret report from the PBO on the true cost of the carbon tax. Canadians no longer trust the government, they no longer trust this MP, and they no longer trust the Prime Minister. Canadians want the data. They want the facts, and they will determine the truth.

June 7th, 2024House debate

Len WebberConservative

Royal Canadian Air Force  Mr. Speaker, it is the 100th anniversary of the Royal Canadian Air Force. Today, I think of Warrant Officer Lloyd Joseph Stock, who joined the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1940 during World War II at the age of 29. He received his wings in Brandon, Manitoba, before going to serve in England.

May 1st, 2024House debate

Len WebberConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, as Conservatives, we reject the amendment.

April 9th, 2024House debate

Len WebberConservative

Carbon Pricing  Madam Speaker, the Oxford dictionary defines a fool as a person who acts unwisely or imprudently. It is ironic that the Prime Minister chose April Fool's Day to increase his carbon tax by a whopping 23%, increasing the misery that many Canadian families face. The tax is not a joke.

February 16th, 2024House debate

Len WebberConservative

Carbon Pricing  Madam Speaker, that is just bloody foolish. She just does not—

February 16th, 2024House debate

Len WebberConservative

Carbon Pricing  Madam Speaker, the minister's response was just bloody foolish. She does not understand that if one taxes the farmer who grows the food and taxes the trucker who ships the food, then one taxes the people who buy the food. Already a typical family of four will have to pay $700 more in groceries in 2024 than last year.

February 16th, 2024House debate

Len WebberConservative

Norman Kwong  Mr. Speaker, the late Norman Kwong of Calgary will again make history next week when he is celebrated with his own Heritage Minute. A 60-second snapshot of his life will be thrust onto TV screens from coast to coast, injecting culturally historic education into an entertainment segment.

February 8th, 2024House debate

Len WebberConservative

Carbon Pricing  Madam Speaker, a tax on a farmer is a tax on food. It is that simple. Canadians know that rising carbon taxes make everything more expensive, and they overwhelmingly know that after eight years the current NDP-Liberal government is not worth the cost. Conservatives know a carbon-tax hike on April 1 will make food even more unaffordable.

February 2nd, 2024House debate

Len WebberConservative