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Electoral Participation Act  Mr. Speaker, I have said many times in the House that I am indeed a separatist, but if I am a separatist, it is because I am fundamentally a democrat, since the democratic ideal is contained in the idea of a people's sovereignty. Just because I am willing to acknowledge that I do not know everything, that does not mean I am against the idea of ensuring that the election in Alberta holds up.

June 18th, 2024House debate

Luc ThériaultBloc

Electoral Participation Act  Mr. Speaker, I do not think that was a question for me. My colleague's comment was about what the Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons said.

June 18th, 2024House debate

Luc ThériaultBloc

Electoral Participation Act  Mr. Speaker, as I said earlier, this is the elephant in the room. It is nothing but an excuse, a self-serving use of religion as a pretext for purely financial gain. It is unfortunate because it fuels public cynicism toward elected officials. It paints everyone in the House with the same brush.

June 18th, 2024House debate

Luc ThériaultBloc

Electoral Participation Act  Mr. Speaker, I believe that the Harper government was penalized in 2015, so I think that the member has his answer. When a government goes beyond the democratic interest, the public is smart enough to penalize that government. I trust the public's intelligence. I trust voters' intelligence.

June 18th, 2024House debate

Luc ThériaultBloc

Electoral Participation Act  Mr. Speaker, it happens all too often that we show up in committee after having voted for a bill in principle, but we do not get a chance to introduce amendments because of the Liberal majority. The Canada Elections Act is too important to take that risk. There is no way we can trust people who had the gall to present what they did.

June 18th, 2024House debate

Luc ThériaultBloc

Electoral Participation Act  Mr. Speaker, this is not enough to bring down a government. I would tell my colleague that I hope to get Bill C-282 passed for our farmers before triggering an election. This bill is now in the Senate and is being held up by Conservative and Liberal senators, despite the fact that it was passed almost unanimously in the House.

June 18th, 2024House debate

Luc ThériaultBloc

Electoral Participation Act  Mr. Speaker, as I mentioned in my speech, had the bill been drafted to include only those things, our position would probably have been different. I would add that, absent a guarantee that this crooked addition will be removed from the bill, there is no way we can support sending the bill to committee.

June 18th, 2024House debate

Luc ThériaultBloc

Electoral Participation Act  Mr. Speaker, let us acknowledge the fact that any legislation amending the Canada Elections Act is significant. This act is the cornerstone upon which the legitimacy of parliamentary democracy, elected officials and, by extension, the government, lies. My first comment is that this important bill was introduced 48 hours before the summer break, along with a gag order.

June 18th, 2024House debate

Luc ThériaultBloc

Electoral Participation Act  Madam Speaker, my colleague spoke about the parts of the bill that he, like us, considers very important. However, he avoided talking about postponing the elections, a proposal supposedly aimed at accommodating Canada's Indian communities for Diwali, the festival of lights. Can my colleague look me in the eye and tell me that the Liberals are not using Diwali as a pretext for allowing 22 Liberal members and three ministers to qualify for a pension?

June 18th, 2024House debate

Luc ThériaultBloc

Electoral Participation Act  Madam Speaker, voting in federal elections is allowed every day at the office of the returning officer. Currently, without the law, there are four days of early voting prior to voting day, people can vote by mail and they can vote on campuses. Simply put, there are plenty of opportunities to vote.

June 18th, 2024House debate

Luc ThériaultBloc

Main Estimates 2024-25  Madam Speaker, there is no interpretation.

June 13th, 2024House debate

Luc ThériaultBloc

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, the members of the Bloc Québécois are in favour of transparency. It is important to be able to make informed decisions and have informed debates. We are also in favour of this motion because intellectual integrity means a lot to us, unlike some Conservative members from Quebec who have spent the past year fearmongering about the carbon tax and saying it applies in Quebec when it does not.

June 13th, 2024House debate

Luc ThériaultBloc

Budget Implementation Act, 2024, No. 1  He is laying it on a bit thick, Madam Speaker. I do not have enough time to go over and correct my colleague's remarks. Everyone is to blame but them. Basically, he is promoting single-party rule, a return to totalitarianism. His conception of democracy is that Canada would be better off if all 338 seats went to the Conservatives.

June 11th, 2024House debate

Luc ThériaultBloc

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, with all due respect to the Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons, he cannot deny that the Auditor General released a report. The findings of that report are absolutely devastating and require an in-depth review. Taxpayers expect accountability.

June 6th, 2024House debate

Luc ThériaultBloc

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, as my colleagues mentioned earlier in their analysis of the NDP motion, it is targeting a genuine problem but proposing a false solution. How would we cap the prices of essential foods? I would like my colleague to tell me how the price of bread can be capped when wheat prices are negotiated on the Chicago Stock Exchange.

June 4th, 2024House debate

Luc ThériaultBloc