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Senator Joseph Day  Madam Speaker, it is an honour to rise today to recognize one of southern New Brunswick's best: Senator Joseph Day. Joe grew up in Hampton, New Brunswick. He attended CMR in Saint-Jean and then went on to RMC, where he graduated in engineering. He then pursued law at Queen's University and a master's degree at Osgoode Hall Law School.

June 13th, 2024House debate

Wayne LongLiberal

Housing  Mr. Speaker, I come from a community, Saint John—Rothesay, that is filled with good, hard-working people. Their small city realities do not always look the same as that of someone who lives in big urban centres, but they do face many of the same challenges when it comes to housing.

June 12th, 2024House debate

Wayne LongLiberal

Housing  Mr. Speaker, I come from a community that is filled with good, hard-working people. The small city realities do not always look the same as that of someone who lives in big urban centres, but they do face many of the same challenges when it comes to housing. I am proud that our government has stepped up to tackle the housing crisis.

June 12th, 2024House debate

Wayne LongLiberal

Arthur Irving  Mr. Speaker, earlier this month, our community, the Atlantic region and Canada lost an extraordinary business leader. Irving Oil chairman emeritus, Arthur L. Irving passed away on May 13 at the age of 93. Arthur Irving was one of Canada's greatest entrepreneurs. Under his leadership, Irving Oil's Saint John Refinery grew to become the largest in Canada.

May 29th, 2024House debate

Wayne LongLiberal

Budget Implementation Act, 2024, No. 1  Madam Speaker, I want to ask the member a question about the unbelievable fiscal management the Conservative Party thinks it has. He talked about nine years a few times, with nine years this and nine years that. The party in power before us, for nine straight years, ran a deficit.

May 7th, 2024House debate

Wayne LongLiberal

Budget Implementation Act, 2024, No. 1  Mr. Speaker, I want to talk about housing, and I want to talk about the lack of support the party opposite, the Conservative Party, has actually had with respect to housing. We came forth with the national housing strategy. We came forth with the rapid housing initiative, the federal co-investment fund, the housing accelerator fund and many other wonderful transformational programs for cities and communities across this country that would help build housing.

May 7th, 2024House debate

Wayne LongLiberal

Aquaculture Industry  Mr. Speaker, I rise today on behalf of many Canadians who are looking for our government's continued commitment to our coastal communities and their families by standing with the Canadian aquaculture industry. Through investment, innovation, technologies and practices, Canada's highly regulated aquaculture industry can continue to grow and prosper.

May 6th, 2024House debate

Wayne LongLiberal

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, I have to point out the unbelievable hypocrisy here. The member opposite talks about lack of resources when it was the Conservatives who cut 1,100 jobs out of the CBSA. They talk about lack of resources, and they were going to cut another 400 more. It has to be mentioned again that Conservatives talk about lack of resources, but they voted against $1.5 billion in funding for the CBSA, which included $1.44 billion for operating and $197 million for capital expenditures.

February 6th, 2024House debate

Wayne LongLiberal

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, I had a meeting recently in my riding of Saint John—Rothesay with CBSA officers and I was shocked to learn that in 2011-12, the party opposite cut almost 1,100 jobs. That would be like the mayor of Saint John cutting hundreds of jobs out of the police force and then wondering why crime went up.

February 6th, 2024House debate

Wayne LongLiberal

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, I thank my colleague for his wonderful speech today; it was very enlightening. We know this for a fact: The party opposite ran on pricing pollution. Whether its members want to admit that is totally up to them; it was in their platform, and we all know it. We also know that the official opposition's job is to challenge our government, to hold our feet to the fire and so on; however, its job is also to offer solutions and alternatives.

February 1st, 2024House debate

Wayne LongLiberal

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, I want to congratulate my friend and colleague from Kings—Hants for his leadership as chair of the Atlantic caucus and for advocating for the pause on the carbon price for home heating fuel and the doubling of the rural rebate to our government. We often hear across the aisle about axing the tax and the carbon price being tripled, but never do we hear about the climate cheque that comes back to Canadians four times a year.

February 1st, 2024House debate

Wayne LongLiberal

Fall Economic Statement Implementation Act, 2023  Mr. Speaker, one thing that is very clear is that the Conservatives are going to axe the tax, as I have heard time and time again. However, I would ask the member opposite what other programs are going to be axed by her and her party. Are they going to axe child care? Are they going to axe the Canada child benefit?

January 30th, 2024House debate

Wayne LongLiberal

Fall Economic Statement Implementation Act, 2023  Madam Speaker, I always marvel when I hear speeches from the opposite side. The Conservatives paint themselves as these magnificent fiscal stewards. Pre-2015, the Conservative government ran nine out of 10 straight deficits. I ask the member opposite to come clean with Canadians.

January 30th, 2024House debate

Wayne LongLiberal

Committees of the House  Madam Speaker, the member opposite certainly has my respect. I do have a question for him. Why did he vote against the right to housing? Does he not believe in the right to housing?

June 13th, 2023House debate

Wayne LongLiberal

Committees of the House  Madam Speaker, as a federal government, it is important that we acknowledge that, yes, we have a lot of work to do and we need to make a difference in housing nationally. We have come forth with wonderful programs, whether it is the co-investment fund, the rapid housing initiative, the housing accelerator fund, the Canada housing benefit and the right to housing, which the Conservative Party voted against.

June 13th, 2023House debate

Wayne LongLiberal