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Environment committee  There were also some challenges for the secretariat. These are very complicated undertakings, and there were issues with respect to negotiations taking place among blocs, like the G-77 and China, at the same time as the plenary session was trying to conclude decisions on text. So there was a bit of a disconnect for a period of time on the Saturday morning, where I guess because people had been up quite late there were suspicions that simple mistakes were being construed as sort of behind-the-scenes negotiations.

January 28th, 2008Committee meeting

David McGovern

Environment committee  If I may. It's important to remember what the objectives were for the meeting, which were set out in fact by the Indonesian president of the COP and by the executive secretary of the UNFCCC, Mr. Yvo de Boer--a triple benchmark of success to launch the negotiations. It was to agree on the basic building blocks and it was to agree on an end date.

January 28th, 2008Committee meeting

David McGovern

Environment committee  I'm pleased the minister has just promoted me. I'm the assistant deputy minister, but if she wants to—

December 11th, 2006Committee meeting

David McGovern

Environment committee  Thanks, Minister.

December 11th, 2006Committee meeting

David McGovern

Environment committee  Mr. Bigras is referring to money that was pledged in Montreal to facilitate the administration of the CDM in the UNFCCC. The department has prepared a proposal for the minister, but it's still under consideration. We haven't actually reached the minister's desk yet.

December 11th, 2006Committee meeting

David McGovern