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Citizenship and Immigration committee  Mr. Chair, I think the committee should take a moment to reflect on what you've done today. You've had an amazing challenge in front of you and you've heard from very compelling witnesses over the past year. I think you should be commended for the amazing work you've done on this file and on this bill.

February 13th, 2008Committee meeting

Mark Davidson

Citizenship and Immigration committee  Let me respond to that and to the other comments. This is a priority for the minister and certainly a priority for the government and for the department. Frankly, the fact that the department is here around the table is evidence of that. Implementing this bill is absolutely a priority for the department.

February 13th, 2008Committee meeting

Mark Davidson

Citizenship and Immigration committee  As I indicated in my summary in the last question, we need to be ready with those communication messages before the bill comes into effect, because we need to be warning people in advance that the provisions will come into effect.

February 13th, 2008Committee meeting

Mark Davidson

Citizenship and Immigration committee  No. It will only apply to them once the coming into force has passed. Royal assent does not--

February 13th, 2008Committee meeting

Mark Davidson

Citizenship and Immigration committee  Mr. Chair, the bill was written in such a way that the coming into force of this provision would be structured so that it was coordinated with regulatory amendments that are required. As I indicated before on the issue of the communication plan, this is a complex bill, and the communication plan, the training, the preparation of forms, and making sure that those messages to the Canadians outside of Canada are ready and have been finely tuned is a complex area.

February 13th, 2008Committee meeting

Mark Davidson

Citizenship and Immigration committee  I'm sorry, I have one final point. But let me assure the committee that this is a bill that the government clearly sees as a priority, and so there's no question that we want this bill to come into force. It's simply a question of making sure we're ready to bring the bill into force in such a way that it accomplishes what the committee themselves would like us to do.

February 13th, 2008Committee meeting

Mark Davidson

Citizenship and Immigration committee  It's a challenge now to say exactly what period of time would be required. The advantage of structuring the bill as it is, which is quite common with pieces of legislation, is that if we find, as we get ready to implement, that there's a glitch with it that we hadn't anticipated, we're not caught with a hard deadline, so that we are sure we have all of our mechanisms in place, that the communications that are necessary are there.

February 13th, 2008Committee meeting

Mark Davidson

Citizenship and Immigration committee  As I've indicated, we believe this bill needs to be implemented, but we also believe it needs to be implemented when it's ready and when the regulations are ready.

February 13th, 2008Committee meeting

Mark Davidson

Citizenship and Immigration committee  There's no problem in the French. As I say, it was a typo that—

February 13th, 2008Committee meeting

Mark Davidson

Citizenship and Immigration committee  Yes, thank you, sir.

February 13th, 2008Committee meeting

Mark Davidson

Citizenship and Immigration committee  Yes. If the committee members go to page 44 of the clause-by-clause, I think they'll find the little typo that exists here. This clause is repeating a lot of the language that exists in Bill C-14, which has recently received royal assent and come into force. There are three provisions here that use the phrase “on or after January 1, 1947” in the English.

February 13th, 2008Committee meeting

Mark Davidson

Citizenship and Immigration committee  It's the word “or”. You'll see on line 8 of page 10 of the bill that it says—and it doesn't make sense, of course—“a decision was made abroad on after January 1, 1947”. That's a typo. It should be “on or—

February 13th, 2008Committee meeting

Mark Davidson

Citizenship and Immigration committee  Mr. Chairman, I suspect the confusion may be that when Mr. Karygiannis is talking about a page number, I presume he's referring to the clause-by-clause page number.

February 13th, 2008Committee meeting

Mark Davidson

Citizenship and Immigration committee  Mr. Chair, this clause is the clause that has the effect of limiting citizenship by descent and citizenship by adoption to the first generation. As the minister announced in May, and as the committee agreed in December, citizenship by descent would be limited to the first generation, and that is the effect of this clause.

February 13th, 2008Committee meeting

Mark Davidson

Citizenship and Immigration committee  If that child's citizenship flows through the adoption, they would be treated the same as if the parent had—

February 13th, 2008Committee meeting

Mark Davidson