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Natural Resources committee  Given how critical the situation is, the multi-pronged strategy is perhaps the best and most defensible approach.

June 18th, 2009Committee meeting

Dr. Jatin Nathwani

Natural Resources committee  If I might, I'll comment on the question of regulatory inflexibility and net benefit, which was the question raised, and I'll help answer what you've just raised as well. Let me make the point that the question of regulatory inflexibility is a bit of a historical thing. It happened then.

June 18th, 2009Committee meeting

Dr. Jatin Nathwani

Natural Resources committee  It remains a puzzle, in my mind--unsolvable, in that sense. It doesn't make sense to me that we would take a position to walk away. It's not because we just somehow were late in this business and found that it wasn't successful. This has been 50 to 60 years of fantastic achievement in Canada in both nuclear medicine and nuclear engineering technology.

June 18th, 2009Committee meeting

Dr. Jatin Nathwani

Natural Resources committee  I am, and again, it's my opinion. It's an observation I make. I have some sympathy for, in this case, policy-makers, the Prime Minister, politicians. When you have a situation where the broader climate is essentially anti-nuclear and you have a problem that people say they don't like to see in front of them, there is a natural tendency to ask why we don't just close the door and move on.

June 18th, 2009Committee meeting

Dr. Jatin Nathwani

Natural Resources committee  I'm not a pollster, so I read what's available. But if you were to ask me where people stand on this question of nuclear--certainly people in Ontario, and Canada in general--there seems to have been a reversal, if you wish, or a near acceptance of nuclear as one option in the larger mix.

June 18th, 2009Committee meeting

Dr. Jatin Nathwani

Natural Resources committee  Well, as I said in my statement, this is not like buying any other commodity. It is such a critical resource and links so directly into the health and well-being of Canadians. This is through its need in the medical practice. I shake my head when you say that it doesn't seem to make a business case, or you don't like the cost overruns, or it just doesn't look very pleasant, and it's causing nothing but political problems, and therefore we're out of it.

June 18th, 2009Committee meeting

Dr. Jatin Nathwani

Natural Resources committee  If I may comment on your question, my opinion is that we have a relatively small technical problem in terms of resolving some of the issues around the power coefficient of reactivity. When I alluded to what I call the regulatory dimension to this problem, that related to a degree of inflexibility in acceptance of the notion of how one deals with a positive power coefficient in a reactor.

June 18th, 2009Committee meeting

Dr. Jatin Nathwani

Natural Resources committee  Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, I thank you for your invitation. It's my pleasure to be here, and I will stick to my ten minutes. I will confine my remarks, in essence, to three aspects: the need for a reliable supply of isotopes, the technology choices and the future options, and suggestions on governance aspects and the public dialogue for acceptance.

June 18th, 2009Committee meeting

Dr. Jatin Nathwani

February 7th, 2008Committee meeting

Dr. Jatin Nathwani

Natural Resources committee  I believe it's five, but I could be off by a factor of one or two. There are five members of the commission, I believe.

February 7th, 2008Committee meeting

Dr. Jatin Nathwani

Natural Resources committee  Let me help you clarify by noting that the fact that the risk is low is known to CNSC. It is actually part of the safety analysis report and the safety envelope of the plant that was licensed by the CNSC. The CNSC is absolutely aware of the point I'm making, and it is a very low risk.

February 7th, 2008Committee meeting

Dr. Jatin Nathwani

Natural Resources committee  You're certainly giving me a level of power that I'm not used to as a humble professor. But I am clear that if I had had access...and by the way, I don't have access to all the internal information; I follow what's in the paper. If I had had the kind of information and the benefit of the information, and the discussions of all these timelines and the things the way they were emerging, I would have said, gentlemen, there is a better way for an answer here, and it goes something to this effect.

February 7th, 2008Committee meeting

Dr. Jatin Nathwani

Natural Resources committee  If I had been able to make a determination, the crisis would not have occurred, if that is where you were headed.

February 7th, 2008Committee meeting

Dr. Jatin Nathwani

Natural Resources committee  It is but one suggestion, and I put it in front of the committee as perhaps one way to do it. But let me be helpful, if I can. What we have is a situation wherein you have vested within the authority of the president of the CNSC decision-making authority. Of course, she's the executive of the staff as well.

February 7th, 2008Committee meeting

Dr. Jatin Nathwani

Natural Resources committee  I am somewhat familiar with the licensing process and how some of these technical issues and debates unfold between the experts within the licensing groups and within CNSC. Again, not to impugn anyone's motives, but people do come to different conclusions on these matters. If there were some way to resolve these matters, a technical determination of the differences and what is the appropriate perspective, either through a mediation process or through some other process, it would be helpful.

February 7th, 2008Committee meeting

Dr. Jatin Nathwani