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Fisheries committee  I wouldn't doubt it for a moment. It is a complicated environment. I know we looked at areas of concern--which is not your question--and that's a jurisdictional thing too. But to the extent there are jurisdictional issues, I think it's fair to say you would expect the lead federal department to forge the partnerships needed to address the issues.

June 5th, 2008Committee meeting

Ron Thompson

Fisheries committee  It's a good news and bad news story with DFO, as you quite rightly point out. We met with them earlier this week to talk about this. They have put a process in place to deal with this and ensure that as new policies or revisions to existing policies are being put forward to their minister, strategic environmental assessments will be conducted where appropriate.

June 5th, 2008Committee meeting

Ron Thompson

Fisheries committee  We've found out that they don't really have assurance yet within the department that the process they've put in place is working the way it was designed. In other words, they don't yet have a way of saying, “What proposals have gone up to the minister that require SEAs? Let's go back to see if they've actually been done.”

June 5th, 2008Committee meeting

Ron Thompson

Fisheries committee  We closed our audit about the end of June 2007.

June 5th, 2008Committee meeting

Ron Thompson

Fisheries committee  We had a chat with officials on Monday. We didn't audit any of this; we just talked a bit. It would perhaps be better if they told you directly, but I think there's been a bit of reorganization within the department. They may be getting equipped to do them more energetically in the future.

June 5th, 2008Committee meeting

Ron Thompson

Fisheries committee  The Pacific Salmon Treaty was one of the twenty that we looked at out of the hundred. It was part of our sample. If you look at DFO's website, at least the national one, you'll see there isn't anything about it there. There may be something in the regional website. But the point is--and I'm really glad you raised this issue--that's the very thing that's lacking.

June 5th, 2008Committee meeting

Ron Thompson

Fisheries committee  I guess they have other things to do. I don't know why they're not putting this information out. I presume it's available within the agreements. At least, if it isn't, it should be. But for something like the Pacific salmon, I would presume there'd be information in there that you would find useful to have.

June 5th, 2008Committee meeting

Ron Thompson

Fisheries committee  Mr. Stoffer, I didn't go to P.E.I. I'll ask my colleague Paul Morse about the work that was done. Are you talking about international agreements?

June 5th, 2008Committee meeting

Ron Thompson

Fisheries committee  Yes, thank you.

June 5th, 2008Committee meeting

Ron Thompson

Fisheries committee  Thank you very much for that question, and thank you for your best wishes as well, sir. Certainly the charts aren't updated yet, but perhaps I could ask my colleague, Richard Arseneault, to join us, if that would be agreeable, who has had a look at this one. Mr. Arseneault.

June 5th, 2008Committee meeting

Ron Thompson

Fisheries committee  Thank you for that question. Certainly not as part of this audit and this report. Over the years I believe we have, but I haven't been personally involved in that, sir. The issue of sustainable development, if I could come back to that without taking too much time, is so important to have at the front of everyone's mind.

June 5th, 2008Committee meeting

Ron Thompson

Fisheries committee  I'll offer a comment, Mr. Chairman, and then turn it over to my colleague Mr. Ferguson, if you don't mind. In terms of evaluating what caused it in the first place--

June 5th, 2008Committee meeting

Ron Thompson

Fisheries committee  We would want to, and in doing this work we have had a look at what the responsible departments are doing to do exactly that, to evaluate the cause, to try to figure out a solution, and to try to prevent similar invasives from coming in. So we're looking at how the relevant departments, in this case DFO, are organizing themselves and managing themselves to deal with this issue.

June 5th, 2008Committee meeting

Ron Thompson

Fisheries committee  Thank you for that question. Perhaps I could answer this way. The audit we reported in chapter 8 is quite limited. It really had to do with whether members of Parliament and the Canadian people were being informed fairly and in a substantive way about the various agreements we've signed internationally.

June 5th, 2008Committee meeting

Ron Thompson

Fisheries committee  Thank you very much for that question. The follow-up is an interesting process. We have a methodology we use, which we communicate to all departments, to go about assessing whether we, as auditors, are satisfied with the progress. We take a look at what actions have been taken since we made our recommendation or raised the finding, and we place them on a scale of one to five.

June 5th, 2008Committee meeting

Ron Thompson