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Agriculture committee  I don't think we have any environmental standards issues across the country. In fact, I would say the one thing we do well in Canada—and I would compliment the provinces on this—is that we all have a clear understanding of what constitutes our products, what standards they have to be produced to, and quite a sincere effort to protect the integrity of our product.

February 19th, 2015Committee meeting

Jan Westcott

Agriculture committee  No, I don't think so. We don't have any issues shipping products across the country. Our products enjoy access. It's what happens to the products when they land in a particular jurisdiction, the treatment they are afforded, and the competitive set they face once they get there.

February 19th, 2015Committee meeting

Jan Westcott

Agriculture committee  No, we do not have any issues moving grain, say, from different places, and we do buy western Canadian grain for use in eastern Canada, particularly rye. There are no issues I am aware of that we face on that front.

February 19th, 2015Committee meeting

Jan Westcott

Agriculture committee  Yes, that's correct.

February 19th, 2015Committee meeting

Jan Westcott

Agriculture committee  It's not good economics and it distorts the market. At the end of it, what it really does is it discourages people from making investments in this country. That's really what it does; it drives investment out of this country. If you don't have investment going on in Canada, our entire economic activity shrinks and that's bad for everybody.

February 19th, 2015Committee meeting

Jan Westcott

Agriculture committee  I think agriculture would be good. At the risk of singling somebody out and having them a bit upset, I'm going to use an example. We make whisky in Ontario and we try to sell it all over the country. They harvest lobsters in a number of maritime markets. Those lobsters come to Toronto.

February 19th, 2015Committee meeting

Jan Westcott

Agriculture committee  I'm a little hesitant to pick out any one province. At a philosophical level everyone says they get it and everyone says they agree, but when it comes down to the practical issues of how you start to implement that, or for example, start to take away subsidies to local businesses, or make sure that everybody is paying the same amount of tax, or has the same amount of the customer, that's where it tends to break down.

February 19th, 2015Committee meeting

Jan Westcott

Agriculture committee  I think you've summed that up very well. I think that's exactly the case.

February 19th, 2015Committee meeting

Jan Westcott

Agriculture committee  We have a very large distillery in Quebec, in Valleyfield. Virtually 100% of the grain that's used in that distillery to produce vodka, liqueurs, whisky, a range of spirits products, are very high quality, all are exported and sold around the world and are well respected. When the company that produces in Quebec tries to send those whiskies to some other provinces they don't get the same opportunity to sell to the consumer.

February 19th, 2015Committee meeting

Jan Westcott

Agriculture committee  British Columbia has a successful and a vibrant wine industry. When we did the FTA and the NAFTA, the Government of Canada and the Government of British Columbia put some measures in place to assist the domestic wine industry in British Columbia to change its game, improve itself, and become competitive.

February 19th, 2015Committee meeting

Jan Westcott

Agriculture committee  Right now in North America and in many parts of the world, consumers are extremely interested in and excited by rye whisky. We have a plant in Calgary that sources its grain entirely in Canada, makes tremendous rye whiskies, and it's winning awards all over the place. They have produced some tremendous new brands in the last several years.

February 19th, 2015Committee meeting

Jan Westcott

Agriculture committee  I think most have. Sorry, C.J. Go ahead.

February 19th, 2015Committee meeting

Jan Westcott

Agriculture committee  Yes. If you don't mind, I'm going to use Alberta as an example. We have three good-sized distilleries in Alberta.

February 19th, 2015Committee meeting

Jan Westcott

Agriculture committee  The short answer is politics. You have local producers and you have governments wanting to keep local producers happy and wanting to see those local producers prosper. I think part of it comes from a limited understanding of how the business works. In their desire to help their local people, which in some respects is a positive desire, they are failing to understand that we live in a global marketplace and that we succeed by being able to compete effectively with products from everywhere.

February 19th, 2015Committee meeting

Jan Westcott

Agriculture committee  It's interesting. I was the president of the Canadian Wine Institute through the years leading up to that as well as the Wine Council of Ontario and the British Columbia Wine Grape Council, and you're right. Many people feared it would be the death of the wine industry in Canada, and in fact with the new competition it actually forced the Canadian industry to produce better-quality products and to re-evaluate what their opportunities were.

February 19th, 2015Committee meeting

Jan Westcott