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Environment committee  Mr. Chair, I can take that question. The offset system is really an important complementary mechanism for our cap and trade approach. The minister, in the summer, announced that he is moving forward with an offset system. He published two of three remaining guides that will set out the rules of that system.

December 3rd, 2009Committee meeting

Mike Beale

Environment committee  The 20% target, as you know, is a national target. One of the issues the government will be seized with is how that target gets distributed across all the Canadian emissions, which are not just industrial emissions. Industrial emissions account for roughly 47% of Canada's total.

December 3rd, 2009Committee meeting

Mike Beale

Environment committee  One very clear way in which we are doing this, and I think the minister referred to it in his remarks, is through our regulation of greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles. Canada has led the way in North America by moving to a tailpipe approach towards regulating emissions from vehicles.

December 3rd, 2009Committee meeting

Mike Beale

Environment committee  With the federal standards that President Obama has recently set out in September, which California has deemed to be equivalent to their own standards.

December 3rd, 2009Committee meeting

Mike Beale

Environment committee  As I said, these regulations are under development. Another example is the biofuel regulations, which are currently under development. Another concrete example of actions that have already been triggered is some of the funding for the clean energy projects that Natural Resources Canada has been leading, and some recent announcements this summer of investments in carbon capture and storage projects, which are expected to lead to real and verifiable reductions as early as 2015.

December 3rd, 2009Committee meeting

Mike Beale

Environment committee  None of this funding goes to support the nuclear sector in Canada.

December 3rd, 2009Committee meeting

Mike Beale

Environment committee  Thank you. Those air quality sites are primarily for air pollution and monitoring ambient levels of air pollution in Canada. But one of the initiatives that is being funded out of the most recent CARA funding is scientific analysis of the interaction between climate change and air pollution.

December 3rd, 2009Committee meeting

Mike Beale

Environment committee  The 2020 target is a requirement for what Canada's total emissions will be in 2020 relative to that 2006 baseline. So that's an absolute emissions target that we need to attain. As we develop our policies for how to attain that, we need to factor in the growth that we're expecting in different sectors.

December 3rd, 2009Committee meeting

Mike Beale

Environment committee  I don't think that's something we can speculate on.

December 3rd, 2009Committee meeting

Mike Beale

Environment committee  Thank you. The clean air regulatory agenda funding is the core support for our work on air pollution and on greenhouse gases. It supports the science that will underlie our advancement in air quality and air pollution. It underlies the policy analysis, and it underlies the regulatory development.

December 3rd, 2009Committee meeting

Mike Beale

Environment committee  I think the minister made it clear that we're moving to a North American cap and trade system.

December 3rd, 2009Committee meeting

Mike Beale