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Finance committee  Well, I'll give it a shot. Basic research is where new ideas and new knowledge come from. It depends on how you define applied research. There are no agreements on what applied research actually is. One could say that all basic research is applied research or you could say the reverse.

September 16th, 2009Committee meeting

Rees Kassen

Finance committee  I would emphasize that it's through basic research and discovery-driven research, for example, through the funding councils, the tri-councils, CIHR, NSERC, and SSHRC, that--

September 16th, 2009Committee meeting

Rees Kassen

Finance committee  Invest in people, quite simply. Certainly the infrastructure investments have been welcomed and they have added immensely to university centres and research institutes across the country, but they will be hollow investments unless you also invest in the people who do the research.

September 16th, 2009Committee meeting

Rees Kassen

Finance committee  My group is the Partnership Group for Science and Engineering, so that would be the answer. Of course I'd be supportive of post-doctoral funding across the board. Right now the Canadian post-doctoral funding landscape is very limited, particularly relative to our competitor countries, so we'd like to see that expanded and opportunities given.

September 16th, 2009Committee meeting

Rees Kassen

Finance committee  Thank you very much. Honourable members of the committee, my name is Rees Kassen. I'm the chair of PAGSE. With me is Denis St-Onge. There's a natural tendency during times of crisis to retrench and wait out the storm. But taking this approach to the current global recession will not promote sustained economic recovery, largely because the nature of the global economy will change in the meantime.

September 16th, 2009Committee meeting

Rees Kassen