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Agriculture committee  I'm not a scientist, but I would argue, based on the data that I've seen, that GMOs have played a significant impact on crop yields over the past 15 years. I'll allude to a couple of examples and then I'll pass it over to Mike. One example comes from here in Ontario. If you look at years prior to the introduction of GMO corn to Canadian farmers, farmers were realizing about 112 bushels an acre, on average.

February 9th, 2011Committee meeting

Derek Penner

Agriculture committee  Mr. Chair, I think I alluded to the fact that we have a number of growers, and you look at, statistically speaking.... We understand the perception people have of Monsanto. But if you did a sample with the growers across Canada and the U.S., where biotechnology is accepted, I think even as you start going into the Latin Americas—Argentina and Brazil—the demand and the willingness to pay for that technology is there.

February 9th, 2011Committee meeting

Derek Penner

Agriculture committee  Thank you, Mr. Bellavance, for your question. You loaded it up quite a bit; you addressed quite a few issues there. First of all, I would say that Monsanto's policy, globally, is that we are transparent with what we're bringing to the market. We've always said that we work very closely with our stakeholders, both industry and consumers.

February 9th, 2011Committee meeting

Derek Penner

Agriculture committee  I have a couple of comments. First of all, we do need a level presence policy in place. Mr. Van Acker alluded to zero not being realistic, and it is crystal clear that's not realistic along the supply value chain. The one thing I would like to make mention of, which Mr. Van Acker also alluded to, is China.

February 9th, 2011Committee meeting

Derek Penner

February 9th, 2011Committee meeting

Derek Penner

Agriculture committee  Thank you, Mr. Chairman and members of the standing committee, for the opportunity for Monsanto Canada to appear before the standing committee. My name is Derek Penner, and I am the president and general manager of Monsanto Canada. I am joined by my colleague, who is our vice-president of sales and marketing for our corn and soybean business in Canada.

February 9th, 2011Committee meeting

Derek Penner