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February 25th, 2009Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino

Foreign Affairs committee  I think it's really important that we all be very frank with one another. In my organization in 2003 we launched a major initiative; we called it the North American security and prosperity initiative. We didn't charge any royalties when the three governments in 2005 signed the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, but when we put the original idea together, we had a very simple goal in mind.

February 25th, 2009Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino

Foreign Affairs committee  No, but it was. And the SPP—

February 25th, 2009Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino

Foreign Affairs committee  Yes, it became really part of a great corporate conspiracy to homogenize North America. But I would say this, SPP was in fact badly sold—badly sold in the United States, very badly sold in Canada by the previous government and also by this government, and badly sold in Mexico.

February 25th, 2009Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino

Foreign Affairs committee  Professor Plourde no doubt has a very good answer for you.

February 25th, 2009Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino

Foreign Affairs committee  We're going to talk about a lot of things we've already talked about. First, we'll be talking about the Canadian economy and that of the United States, about the economic crisis and about the importance of very close cooperation between these two countries. Second, we'll be talking about energy and climate, because they're very, very important.

February 25th, 2009Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino

Foreign Affairs committee  Thank you, madam. Mr. Chair, I believe some of the previous witnesses may have dealt with the issue of Mexico. Let me just say that 15 or 18 years ago the relations between Canada and Mexico, other than as a place to go and have a good holiday, were virtually non-existent. Our political relationships were almost non-existent.

February 25th, 2009Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino

Foreign Affairs committee  You're absolutely right that we do have those conversations on a regular basis, but then again, I don't want you to think that we are holier than thou. We have a lot of conflicts within our own family, within our own community. I mentioned a little earlier some of the struggles among the various producers of energy.

February 25th, 2009Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino

Foreign Affairs committee  Mr. Chairman, I know exactly what you're getting at. I have to tell you, as my colleagues will confirm, you have no idea the number of hours we spent, going way back into the early 1990s, debating the issue of the science. At issue there was this idea that we don't know. There are scientists on both sides.

February 25th, 2009Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino

Foreign Affairs committee  First, I come back to the issue of perception. I know many of us in this room were probably offended, not once but sometimes twice or three times, by people who should know better, not only by the assertions in the United States--not to mention what was carried on the talk shows--that the perpetrators of 9/11 were people who came from Canada or across the border, but that even when this was pointed out to be clearly incorrect, some people in very high office right now repeated it.

February 25th, 2009Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino

Foreign Affairs committee  That's a very good question. In my view, the issue of how we recapitalize our banks and deal with the very issue that's started today, the stress-testing of financial institutions of the larger than $100 billion size, is of critical importance. You have to think of the financial system as getting it whole, as getting the blood flowing again in the arteries so that the parts of the body can come back to life.

February 25th, 2009Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino

Foreign Affairs committee  Thank you, that's a very good question. We have argued from the time of the Brundtland report.... And that's why I say, with great pride, that we were the first business organization in the world to endorse the concept of sustainable development. What do we mean by sustainable development?

February 25th, 2009Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino

Foreign Affairs committee  Good. And we should acknowledge that the interdependence of these two countries and the jobs and the industries on both sides of the border means that need to get that border thinned out as quickly as we possibly can. To use one little line that I think was used last week by someone cleverly, how many terrorists are we trying to stop—one, two, three, five?

February 25th, 2009Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino

Foreign Affairs committee  Permettez-moi de répondre dans la langue de Shakespeare et non pas celle de Molière. In a nutshell, Canadians and Americans are amongst the highest users of energy per capita in the world, as you know. You also know that our carbon footprint is amongst the highest in the world.

February 25th, 2009Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino

Foreign Affairs committee  Thank you, Mr. Rae. I'm equally happy to see you. The thickening of the border is an issue that we've been deeply concerned about, really, since 9/11. You all know what happened and I won't review that--the fact that trucks that had taken eight to ten minutes to cross the border were taking 18 hours to cross the border.

February 25th, 2009Committee meeting

Thomas d'Aquino