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May 12th, 2016Committee meeting

Alex Scholten

Finance committee  You are seeing that in the United States right now, with many major retailers getting together to form a new payment system. In those cases, it is primarily the large retailers that are doing that, which do not represent the small, independent retailers. That is the challenge we find in terms of leverage.

May 12th, 2016Committee meeting

Alex Scholten

Finance committee  That is a very good question. From our understanding, in discussions with the RCMP, the contraband or illegal trade of tobacco has been infiltrated by organized crime. They have also infiltrated the reserves and in many ways control the trade on reserves as well. It is an issue that security and police forces across the country have identified to us.

May 12th, 2016Committee meeting

Alex Scholten

Finance committee  We would like to see something with more teeth. However, one of the reasons we are supportive of this bill is that we would like to see a lot more study on what is necessary or appropriate for credit card rates, to ensure that retailers aren't paying too much, but also to ensure that there is a vibrant credit card system in Canada.

May 12th, 2016Committee meeting

Alex Scholten

Finance committee  I would disagree. Our members have told us across the board, from the large chains to the small independents, that they have very, very little negotiating leverage with credit card companies. When you have an organization like Couche-Tard, that has over 1,000 sites in Canada that aren't able to negotiate favourable rates that come anywhere close to what has been introduced in Australia or the EU, they believe that, regardless of the leverage they have, they won't be able to get those rates.

May 12th, 2016Committee meeting

Alex Scholten

Finance committee  I think there are a couple of things going on in Australia that have to be differentiated here. First of all, their capping of fees I believe has been very effective, and has resulted in supporting small businesses in that country. The issue that has really been controversial is the surcharging.

May 12th, 2016Committee meeting

Alex Scholten

Finance committee  No, not that they would be reducing—

May 12th, 2016Committee meeting

Alex Scholten

Finance committee  Certainly. This was not something that was promised to us. This was not something that we know will be in there. But what we were told, in talking with Finance and in talking with small business—

May 12th, 2016Committee meeting

Alex Scholten

Finance committee  The clerk in the Finance office.

May 12th, 2016Committee meeting

Alex Scholten

Finance committee  I can't even recall; I'm sorry. I will provide it to you—

May 12th, 2016Committee meeting

Alex Scholten

May 12th, 2016Committee meeting

Alex Scholten

Finance committee  The voluntary agreement with the credit card companies was to result in an average credit card rate of 1.5%, the average credit card rate for all businesses. Our concern with that agreement is that prior to the agreement, Canada had amongst the highest credit card rates in the world.

May 12th, 2016Committee meeting

Alex Scholten

Finance committee  It wasn't by any stretch of the imagination a promise. It was a recognition that it was in the platform they will endeavour to achieve that 9% rate in the future.

May 12th, 2016Committee meeting

Alex Scholten

Finance committee  We are.

May 12th, 2016Committee meeting

Alex Scholten

Finance committee  Our industry has to pay above minimum wage to be able to attract and retain employees.

May 12th, 2016Committee meeting

Alex Scholten