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Industry committee  They already have a fairly large role. We were talking about venture capital. BDC is the largest venture capital player in Canada. You're already at risk in some ways of their crowding out private investors. I don't know if I have a quick answer. I'd say that probably the biggest role they can provide is that of lender of last resort.

May 10th, 2016Committee meeting

Michael Burt

Industry committee  I don't necessarily say that we should give up on it. I'm not exactly familiar with the passage you're referring to, but one possible interpretation would be that that since we have people who are not being fully employed in that region as a result of some changes that have happened in the manufacturing sector, can we find ways to employ them gainfully in other sectors than manufacturing?

May 10th, 2016Committee meeting

Michael Burt

Industry committee  I can follow up with you on that. One of my colleagues was recently writing about the BIRD program in Israel. They identified that a key weakness of smaller Israeli firms was that they didn't have sufficient market access or marketing skills. The program suggested that they partner with an American company to complement their skill sets.

May 10th, 2016Committee meeting

Michael Burt

Industry committee  My one comment in response to that, like my last comment in my opening statement, would be not to forget services. A key part of being globally successful as a manufacturing firm is knowing that you're not just selling a product, but all of the services that go with it, maintaining it, and all of these other sorts of things.

May 10th, 2016Committee meeting

Michael Burt

Industry committee  I think I said this earlier: it really boils down to commercialization. You're right. We do have patents; we do have raw research. As we move away from the researchers towards actually turning it into a product, we generally fall down as a country. As my president would say, we have a good engine, but not necessarily a good transmission to turn that into drive.

May 10th, 2016Committee meeting

Michael Burt

Industry committee  My comment on that would be that I just finished doing a very— I'm sorry, are we out of time?

May 10th, 2016Committee meeting

Michael Burt

Industry committee  Okay. That's fine.

May 10th, 2016Committee meeting

Michael Burt

Industry committee  I think it's a great idea too, in the sense that, if you look at successful partnerships between post-secondary institutions and businesses, they take take time to build. It's a long process, but that's a key way of doing it. if you can get businesses more directly involved with post-secondary institutions in solving their day-to-day problems and can build that confidence that they are able to help them with, then that's great.

May 10th, 2016Committee meeting

Michael Burt

Industry committee  I would think so, yes.

May 10th, 2016Committee meeting

Michael Burt

Industry committee  Obviously, you want people to be able to pursue their interests, whatever they are, but I think there's definitely a role in educating students around where opportunities are. If they want to go and take a degree or diploma in X and they don't have opportunities when they come out, that's certainly part of it.

May 10th, 2016Committee meeting

Michael Burt

Industry committee  I guess my comment on that would be, and I'm as guilty of this as anybody, we all have a competitive advantage. We're talking about manufacturing as a sector, but it's about individual businesses, right? Competitive advantage is built at the business level. The report I mentioned earlier—that I shared with the clerk, and hopefully you can get access to it—was basically talking how Canadian businesses build global competitive advantage.

May 10th, 2016Committee meeting

Michael Burt

Industry committee  I don't have the exact number in front of me. I think it's 1.7 million people who work in manufacturing in Canada. It's not a small number. We have seen a decline in employment, but what's happening also is that the job mix, what we do, is changing. We are seeing, as I said, more things like technologists and technicians.

May 10th, 2016Committee meeting

Michael Burt

Industry committee  We talked a little about this a couple of times earlier. I don't know if I have a silver bullet for you. I do believe we can do a better job of preparing young Canadians for the workforce. It's a key problem really getting them into their first job, and we aren't necessarily training the right mix of people.

May 10th, 2016Committee meeting

Michael Burt

Industry committee  You hit the nail on the head. A key part of our being successful internationally is having the right management skills and right entrepreneurial skills. Where do they get that from? Often it's not from traditional sources. They've travelled, or they've worked overseas, and those sorts of things.

May 10th, 2016Committee meeting

Michael Burt

Industry committee  I haven't seen that study either, but in the long term you would expect to see a link between productivity growth and wages, in the sense that wages, their share of all income, should be relatively constant over time. That's been somewhat less true in recent years. I would also emphasize that Canada's not had the same income inequality problems that we've seen in other developed countries in recent years; Canada's done quite well in that regard.

May 10th, 2016Committee meeting

Michael Burt