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Natural Resources committee  No, this is excluding those kinds of savings and without an analysis of how long the existing facilities may continue to operate. That is definitely an issue that could be of importance, especially in other regions.

February 14th, 2013Committee meeting

Vincent Lalonde

Natural Resources committee  Basically, the tipping rate is paid by us, the municipality, when we dispose of either garbage or organic waste. As Mr. Costanzo stated, when we dispose of garbage and we truck it to a landfill, it's $107 a tonne. Right now, because our facility is not built, we're disposing it to a facility that composts the material.

February 14th, 2013Committee meeting

Vincent Lalonde

Natural Resources committee  Yes. We kind of created, if you will, a separate entity to run the plant. So you're correct. The city doesn't pay itself, but it pays the partnership for the plant. Similarly, other municipalities would basically pay our same tipping rate into the plant, but then the city would receive a portion of the profit derived from converting that fuel.

February 14th, 2013Committee meeting

Vincent Lalonde

Natural Resources committee  No. We did the business case. To the best of our knowledge, there's no other facility certainly in North America where you could open a biofuel facility, accept free waste from anyone to dump, and then make a profit just on your fuel. The numbers don't quite work out. They work out quite well, however, when you consider the value of what it costs to dispose of organic waste.

February 14th, 2013Committee meeting

Vincent Lalonde

Natural Resources committee  I'll answer the question. The 90% satisfaction rate was not so much regarding the trucks but the whole rethink waste program. The main thing in what we were doing is getting.... We're only picking up garbage now every two weeks versus before when we used to pick it up every week.

February 14th, 2013Committee meeting

Vincent Lalonde

Natural Resources committee  That is correct. Actually one thing that surprised us both as a result of the pilot and now the city wide is the issue of going to garbage being picked up every two weeks. We thought there would be more people concerned about that. When we did our pilot, it turned out that people were not concerned once they did it.

February 14th, 2013Committee meeting

Vincent Lalonde

Natural Resources committee  Basically there's a lot of interest in this region. We get together, the solid waste managers such as Rob get together and talk at a regional forum. There were other smaller municipalities that took steps that we've taken which we've learned from them. Now in turn there are other larger municipalities such as Vancouver, which I believe is now going to go to a two-week garbage pickup.

February 14th, 2013Committee meeting

Vincent Lalonde

Natural Resources committee  I'll answer the question. We've determined that the volume of gas we'll create is probably about four times what we can use in the waste collection trucks. That's the first place we will use it, again, to offer the value proposition to our customers. The other two-thirds of the gas can be used by other vehicles in our fleet.

February 14th, 2013Committee meeting

Vincent Lalonde

Natural Resources committee  I think it's a continuation of programs, such as supporting our application for the P3 Canada funding. Our plant will be sized for about double our needs, so we can take in organic waste from adjoining municipalities in the ICI sector. Again, I think those kinds of program allow the city to build an optimally sized plant for the region.

February 14th, 2013Committee meeting

Vincent Lalonde

Natural Resources committee  Right now, it saves us $3 million a year, compared to our previous costs. One of the important things to consider is—

February 14th, 2013Committee meeting

Vincent Lalonde

Natural Resources committee  There's $3 million in savings on our waste collection side; you're correct. That is based on the frequency of collection, the automation, the trucks that use fuel that costs less. On the biofuel side, yes, $4 million to $5 million of sales are projected from the biofuel plant, but we also have to pay a tipping fee for the green waste we're going to put in.

February 14th, 2013Committee meeting

Vincent Lalonde

Natural Resources committee  For us, the decision to go to the CNG trucks was fundamental to the premise of having a closed loop system. We believe it was important to remove the organic fractions from the garbage. To motivate people to do that, we thought that the notion of adding value to what people do would then make them adopters of the system.

February 14th, 2013Committee meeting

Vincent Lalonde