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Finance committee  I'll give you two perspectives. First, I'll give you a bit of a global perspective. Canada has always had higher excise rates than our competitors in the United States, and if you go back prior to the introduction of the escalator tax, Canada's excise rates were about 60% higher than those in the United States.

September 19th, 2018Committee meeting

Jan Westcott

Finance committee  Thank you, Mr. Chair. Canadians are rightly concerned with the decline in the competitive position of Canadian business. Canadian spirits manufacturers are to a great extent the proverbial canary in the coal mine of the effects of policy-makers taking their eye off the ball and allowing a competitive challenge to deteriorate to a crisis.

September 19th, 2018Committee meeting

Jan Westcott

Health committee  It depends on how they're marketed. It depends on what the intent of them is. I think it's going to be a struggle to find that answer.

April 30th, 2018Committee meeting

Jan Westcott

Health committee  We're struggling with that. I think Health Canada is struggling with that. We're looking at the sugar content. We're looking at the alcohol quality. We're looking at the size of the container. All those things come together. Are we there yet? I'm not sure. We're getting closer.

April 30th, 2018Committee meeting

Jan Westcott

Health committee  If you go to a liquor store or you see any of our products—a bottle of whisky, a bottle of rum, a bottle of vodka—they're not single-serve containers. We're not having any problems with those in that sense. I think anytime you have a container that encourages people to drink everything that's in it because you can't close it back up and you can't store it, that's an issue.

April 30th, 2018Committee meeting

Jan Westcott

Health committee  It's high, given the nature of the product itself. I don't have a B.C. example, but I'll use an Ontario icewine. The sugar content is 260 grams per litre.

April 30th, 2018Committee meeting

Jan Westcott

Health committee  That's because when the grapes are on the vine freezing, the water crystalizes out and leaves more sugar. That's why they're sweet. It's the same thing when we make liqueurs. If you use a traditional method, the fruit brings a lot of sweetness right into the liqueur. Those are naturally occurring; they are part of the process.

April 30th, 2018Committee meeting

Jan Westcott

Health committee  This blurs the lines and it leads ordinary people who aren't doing in-depth research to believe that these products exist and that they're okay. The Government of Canada has been very clear on this for a very long time, and all the liquor boards say you can't mix caffeine and alcohol.

April 30th, 2018Committee meeting

Jan Westcott

Health committee  Part of the reason that beverage alcohol historically has not been subject to this practice is that, when we make our products, they go through what you call substantive transformation. So the things that go into the product are not necessarily what the consumer experiences when they come out.

April 30th, 2018Committee meeting

Jan Westcott

Health committee  Generally speaking, they are 7% alcohol or less. Most of them are 5%, 6%, or 7% alcohol. That's the norm in the cooler business.

April 30th, 2018Committee meeting

Jan Westcott

Health committee  Yes, one serving.

April 30th, 2018Committee meeting

Jan Westcott

Health committee  Thank you, Mr. Chair. I'm Jan Westcott, the President and CEO of Spirits Canada. To my colleague, C.J. Helie, our Executive Vice-President, go all of the hard questions, just so we're clear. Thank you very much for taking time to hear us. We'd like to share our views and experiences related to the sale of certain beverage alcohol products, products somewhat loosely referred to as highly sweetened, high-alcohol beverages sold in single-serve containers for immediate consumption.

April 30th, 2018Committee meeting

Jan Westcott

International Trade committee  I'm going to ask my colleague to touch on that a bit.

October 2nd, 2017Committee meeting

Jan Westcott

International Trade committee  First of all, Canada has, what, 35 million or 36 million people? I think we enjoy the standard of living we do in Canada because we have been very successful exporters, and I think spirits is a classic case of that. We export 70% of what we make. In fact, we're really a farm business.

October 2nd, 2017Committee meeting

Jan Westcott

International Trade committee  I think the world changes. I think it takes time to get to know everybody and to see.... Since NAFTA came in, we have penetrated parts of the United States that we hadn't before, and absolutely in Mexico. Our success in Mexico has been unbelievable. We've learned things and we've discovered things.

October 2nd, 2017Committee meeting

Jan Westcott