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Natural Resources committee  There are some jobs, but I don't want to be misinterpreted.

May 21st, 2013Committee meeting

André Brunelle

Natural Resources committee  I don't have numbers for you right now on how much money it is. We have some numbers in there about all of the structures of the AIEM members. But for sure, it's doing a product in Canada, which we are using, and it's using the value added that we can do on it—

May 21st, 2013Committee meeting

André Brunelle

Natural Resources committee  Really, the message is to give us options, and we will be able to build on that. Whatever the number is, if we don't have options on feedstock, well, it will be difficult for the future. If we have options, then it's open and we can build on it. We can try to do better and do more, and obviously bring value added for Canada.

May 21st, 2013Committee meeting

André Brunelle

Natural Resources committee  We are very enthusiastic about this study, which we are conducting with Montreal's Polytechnic School. Thank you for mentioning it. It was in the documents that we submitted to you. Obviously, there is a great deal of talk about a decline, but in Montreal East, there's a large industrial framework and many sites.

May 21st, 2013Committee meeting

André Brunelle

Natural Resources committee  That's a subject we could talk about for some time. We know, for example, and the figures support it, that at the beginning of the 1970s there were about 40 refineries in Canada, and now only about 19 are left. One of them will probably disappear soon. As for refinery capacity, it has not really diminished.

May 21st, 2013Committee meeting

André Brunelle

Natural Resources committee  After reading the published figures, I understand that, currently, the flow reversal of line 9 linking Montreal to Portland would produce up to 300,000 barrels per day. The Suncor refinery in Montreal produces 140,000 barrels per day, and the Ultramar refinery from the Valero group in Lévis produces 270,000 barrels per day.

May 21st, 2013Committee meeting

André Brunelle

Natural Resources committee  Am I against extending the pipeline to Portland? I am not taking a stand on that question. All I am saying is that there currently is not enough oil to go further. We have to have the option of getting our hands on that oil from the west in order to be competitive. Like I said, I am not afraid of competition because we have a strong workforce and we are able to do things well.

May 21st, 2013Committee meeting

André Brunelle

Natural Resources committee  First of all, when we talk about reversing the flow of line 9, I think you are all aware that in fact, we are talking about a “re-reversal”. When this line was built in the 1970s, it was in fact designed to bring oil from the west to Montreal. It is always a question of markets and options.

May 21st, 2013Committee meeting

André Brunelle

Natural Resources committee  I clearly cannot speak on behalf of Suncor. However, like all investors, we are considering the options. If other refineries or other locations provide better options, then we will have to make some decisions. I will continue asking the association to give us equal options compared to the others, and that way we will be confident that we can do things well in Montreal East.

May 21st, 2013Committee meeting

André Brunelle

Natural Resources committee  That is correct.

May 21st, 2013Committee meeting

André Brunelle

Natural Resources committee  When we say that it is game over, it is important to keep in mind that this is the only polyester production chain in Canada. As I said a little earlier, and as you probably see in the document, we represent 1% of world production. All that will happen is that, in the future, we will continue to buy clothing made of synthetic fleece and packaging made out of PET, but it will be someone else in the world who will be very happy to sell it to us.

May 21st, 2013Committee meeting

André Brunelle

Natural Resources committee  Obviously the raw material used to make polyester comes from a refinery. Right now we are lucky to have two refineries in Quebec. It is clear that if these refineries don't have the option of accessing oil from out west and they then become less competitive, this will create additional pressure on their choices of raw materials for the polyester chain.

May 21st, 2013Committee meeting

André Brunelle

Natural Resources committee  Once it has become a bead, it only needs to undergo one more processing stage to become thread or packaging material.

May 21st, 2013Committee meeting

André Brunelle

Natural Resources committee  Given that we represent about 1% of world production, there are possibilities for uses in North America. I could not tell you who all the clients are that use these small white beads, but certainly many manufacturers in Montreal and elsewhere in Canada or the United States are able to use them.

May 21st, 2013Committee meeting

André Brunelle

Natural Resources committee  We could ask for that information. That is part of the business strategy of the company based in Montreal.

May 21st, 2013Committee meeting

André Brunelle