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Natural Resources committee  Sorry, what did I—

February 13th, 2014Committee meeting

Dr. Luisa Moreno

Natural Resources committee  I should actually just go back a little bit here. I was asked earlier what Canada has done, and I think we should acknowledge that NRCan has put together two workshops that have led to the creation of CREEN by the institutions. In terms of direct support, individual support, to different projects, I think in the Northwest Territories maybe there has been some interaction between the local government there and Avalon and involvement of first nation groups to understand the project and so forth.

February 13th, 2014Committee meeting

Dr. Luisa Moreno

Natural Resources committee  Well, if they build infrastructure there, that will be a few hundred million dollars in investment. It would be very difficult to have it coming back to north of that border. As for what it might do, if there actually is an increase in the future in the development of rare earth mining in Canada, when you have one separation facility there with the capability, it makes economic sense to continue the separation in that area.

February 13th, 2014Committee meeting

Dr. Luisa Moreno

Natural Resources committee  In Europe there's an institution called, I think, Resource Alliance. I don't know if you're familiar with that group, Professor, but essentially it's a German group. ThyssenKrupp, I believe, is part of it, and Siemens, Bosch, and a number of other large manufacturing companies. The strategy is to secure critical materials.

February 13th, 2014Committee meeting

Dr. Luisa Moreno

Natural Resources committee  I think it's very hard to anticipate what China is going to do next, and that is the position that manufacturing economies like Japan and Germany and others are facing right now. Those that are dependent on critical materials from China are thinking exactly that. It's very hard to understand where China is going to be next in terms of their policies with these critical materials that they control.

February 13th, 2014Committee meeting

Dr. Luisa Moreno

Natural Resources committee  One way of estimating investments is that we could look at the feasibility studies of various companies—

February 13th, 2014Committee meeting

Dr. Luisa Moreno

Natural Resources committee  In terms of consumption, I don't know exact numbers. We know most rare earth products are produced in Asia—China and Japan. Canada is buying finished products. There is a need to study and understand how much rare earths is included in some of the products we consume. I think in cars it's been quite understood and then I guess it's a question of understanding how much we consume in cars and then other things, wind turbines and so forth.

February 13th, 2014Committee meeting

Dr. Luisa Moreno

Natural Resources committee  —at least of those that are more advanced. Two companies—and please correct me if I'm wrong—have completed a feasibility study and that would be Avalon Rare Metals and Matamec Explorations in Quebec. I'd better get these right. I believe Avalon's capex, which includes infrastructure and so forth, is about $1.5 billion.

February 13th, 2014Committee meeting

Dr. Luisa Moreno

February 13th, 2014Committee meeting

Dr. Luisa Moreno

Natural Resources committee  I think the capital markets have realized that it is complex to extract some of these elements. Over the years some of these companies have delayed their feasibility studies, and the results have perhaps not been as expected, particularly as some capital costs have been higher than originally anticipated, and costs as well.

February 13th, 2014Committee meeting

Dr. Luisa Moreno

Natural Resources committee  Part of what we do is look at the economics of the project to reach a stock price, and obviously, the price of rare earths is an important input in the evaluation, as well as capital costs and operating costs and so forth. From the mining perspective, assuming that these companies are able to secure off-take agreements and sell these products, I could say from my analysis that they are economic.

February 13th, 2014Committee meeting

Dr. Luisa Moreno

Natural Resources committee  I think the professor indicated that it is important for the government to make this public, even if they didn't necessarily support them. If the Minister of Natural Resources or the Prime Minister were to acknowledge that rare earths are important and critical as well as strategic elements and that Canada has these elements, and if they were to watch them and find ways to study them to help in the future, I think that would be good.

February 13th, 2014Committee meeting

Dr. Luisa Moreno

Natural Resources committee  From the technical perspective, I think it's very important, because like I said, many companies are working as individual, isolated islands, and spending millions of dollars trying to develop technologies. Some of them are very similar. When you talk about separation, or the refining of purity of elements, maybe you can comment on that.

February 13th, 2014Committee meeting

Dr. Luisa Moreno

Natural Resources committee  I'm embarrassed to say that I don't know. Can you help?

February 13th, 2014Committee meeting

Dr. Luisa Moreno

Natural Resources committee  I think as you go down the supply chain, and you start actually producing magnets and parts that go into automotives and so forth, there is an increase in the number of jobs. I believe REITA, which is a rare earth association, is currently doing a study. We actually had a slide that had to be taken out because the study has not been published.

February 13th, 2014Committee meeting

Dr. Luisa Moreno