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Natural Resources committee  The point I'd really want to make with regard to greenhouse gas emissions is that TransCanada is committed to doing its part to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We are, in so doing, addressing the global issue of climate change. Our belief is that the solution lies both in terms of environmental performance, but as well in terms of using technology.

April 10th, 2014Committee meeting

John Van der Put

Natural Resources committee  I can't give you exact numbers, but certainly the investment involved in a new pipeline is greater than the investment involved in a repurposed pipeline. For a repurposed pipeline, there are new components, including new pump stations. All of the shut-off valves have to be replaced.

April 10th, 2014Committee meeting

John Van der Put

Natural Resources committee  All of the results that I quoted there and the figures that you're describing are outputs from the Statistics Canada input-output model. I don't have a breakdown on hand in terms of what portion of that is income tax versus sales tax versus property tax. It's all of those kinds of taxes.

April 10th, 2014Committee meeting

John Van der Put

Natural Resources committee  It comes from all taxes on revenue, property and excise taxes, all the various taxes. I could provide you with more information on the breakdown of the taxes later.

April 10th, 2014Committee meeting

John Van der Put

Natural Resources committee  The amount represents taxes on revenue. If I've understood your question correctly, the answer is yes.

April 10th, 2014Committee meeting

John Van der Put

Natural Resources committee  As I mentioned, there's broad support for the energy east pipeline project across the country. We know that from the polling we do but more specifically from just talking to people. As I mentioned, the public information sessions that we conducted last year, that we are conducting right now, give us the opportunity to talk one on one with people and find out what they are concerned about.

April 10th, 2014Committee meeting

John Van der Put

Natural Resources committee  First nations and Métis, are quite a significant component of our stakeholder engagement program. There are about 150 first nations along the pipeline route that are interested in this project and we have discussions with all of those. Some of the specific benefits for some of those, certainly, are employment opportunities.

April 10th, 2014Committee meeting

John Van der Put

Natural Resources committee  In terms of diversity of supply for refineries, the very positive thing from a pricing standpoint is obviously the more suppliers you have, the greater the potential that you can get better pricing. Also there are benefits in terms of security of supply. If one of your supply points for whatever reason goes down, then you have other supply points you can rely on.

April 10th, 2014Committee meeting

John Van der Put

Natural Resources committee  TransCanada builds pipelines in response to market need. The energy east pipeline project was announced officially on August 1 last year based on the interest that was demonstrated in the commercial open season that was conducted during the spring and summer of last year. We have long-term 20-year contracts that shippers have signed to transport crude oil from Alberta and Saskatchewan to various points that I described in Quebec and New Brunswick.

April 10th, 2014Committee meeting

John Van der Put

Natural Resources committee  Certainly the benefits in each of the provinces are significant. In New Brunswick we'll be building about 400 kilometres of new pipeline as well as, I believe, five pump stations, a marine terminal, and tank terminal. So the benefits for New Brunswick, as you mentioned, are significant.

April 10th, 2014Committee meeting

John Van der Put

Natural Resources committee  Yes. The capacity of the pipeline is 1.1 million barrels per day. In terms of the jobs, we have the Deloitte study that I referred to, as I mentioned, prepared by an independent firm, using the input-output model from Statistics Canada. What the results of that report indicate—I'm just talking about direct jobs—is that during the development phase of the project, which is the phase we're currently in, up until the point where we would receive authorization to begin construction, it's estimated that there are 2,300 direct jobs during this current phase.

April 10th, 2014Committee meeting

John Van der Put

Natural Resources committee  I will say that pipelines are the safest way by far to transport petroleum. For TransCanada, safety is our first priority, so in everything we do in terms of designing, building, operating, and maintaining a pipeline, that's always at the forefront in everything we do. Ultimately, what we're aiming for is that there be no incidents through all of those measures.

April 10th, 2014Committee meeting

John Van der Put

Natural Resources committee  Yes, thank you. Project description is a summary of what the company intends to propose to build. As you mentioned, it provides the National Energy Board the opportunity to prepare itself for its regulatory review of the project. The actual filing of the application to the National Energy Board is expected to come this summer, so TransCanada at the moment is working on completing its environmental impact statement that will accompany its application for authorization for a certificate of public convenience and necessity, to ultimately build the energy east project.

April 10th, 2014Committee meeting

John Van der Put

Natural Resources committee  The environmental impact statement is a rigorous assessment of all of the potential impacts of the project, but also the benefits of the project from a socio-economic standpoint. It looks at all of the aspects of the environment, biological, physical, the human environment, and, as I mentioned, the socio-economic impacts, and also the safety and security aspects of the project.

April 10th, 2014Committee meeting

John Van der Put

Natural Resources committee  Good morning. My name is John Van der Put, TransCanada's vice-president, energy east pipeline. I am responsible for developing and implementing the stakeholder engagement strategy for TransCanada’s energy east pipeline project. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Standing Committee on Natural Resources for the invitation to represent TransCanada’s energy east pipeline and to participate in today’s panel for the committee’s study on the cross-Canada benefits of developing the oil and gas industry of the energy sector.

April 10th, 2014Committee meeting

John Van der Put