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Environment committee  Thank you. I might add also that, from our perspective, it's an excellent question because we try to frame, as best as possible, the work of our industry within that larger context, because that is really the key element of the industry. It can contribute all of this very dense source of clean electricity to our country and to others around the world.

March 29th, 2018Committee meeting

Dr. John Barrett

Environment committee  The recommendations that we're trying to put forward on the table and that I'm hearing from the other organizations are mainly driven by making this an effective vehicle for getting the environmental considerations well under control, and to everyone's satisfaction, but making it work for the industry.

March 29th, 2018Committee meeting

Dr. John Barrett

Environment committee  I'll take a stab at answering if I may. On the latter point, yes, we do agree and have suggested in our intervention that having the project list at the same time as considering the act would help immensely, because there are some calculations and considerations that would be very practical and I think that could be done.

March 29th, 2018Committee meeting

Dr. John Barrett

Environment committee  If you have the facility and you're adding something to it, you could consider that as a delta. Rather than doing a complete review from start to finish, you would look at the delta between the two.

March 29th, 2018Committee meeting

Dr. John Barrett

Environment committee  I've never seen it calculated quite like that. Indeed, we were pointing out this phenomenon to Natural Resources Canada a couple of years ago, and they began to look at it for the first time, as far as I understand. So no, it isn't really recognized, but it's an important facet.

March 29th, 2018Committee meeting

Dr. John Barrett

Environment committee  One of the most important things for our industry to do is, first of all—as you have done—point out the difference between us and the use of nuclear technology on the weapons side, which is completely separate. We're governed by the international non-proliferation treaty. Canada is a civil, peaceful uses of nuclear technology country, full stop.

March 29th, 2018Committee meeting

Dr. John Barrett

Environment committee  Thank you, Madam Chair. My name is John Barrett, and I am president and CEO of the Canadian Nuclear Association. With me today is Liam Mooney, vice-president of safety, health, environment quality, and regulatory relations with Cameco Corporation. The Canadian Nuclear Association has approximately 100 members, representing more than 60,000 Canadians employed directly or indirectly in uranium mining and exploration, fuel processing, electricity generation, and the production and advancement of nuclear medicine.

March 29th, 2018Committee meeting

Dr. John Barrett

Natural Resources committee  Mr. Chairman, may I start on that and then hand it off to others around the table? In the remarks I made, I mentioned a number of funds that have been created by the federal government, and it was alluded to earlier by Ron Oberth that we're not always first and foremost in the mind when it comes to areas of innovation.

November 17th, 2016Committee meeting

Dr. John Barrett

Natural Resources committee  Thank you very much. That's a very good question. I'll just start with noting that about three or four years ago some of what you raised was appreciated by the industry, and there was a successful attempt at getting a very high level of CEO suite of our industry, which is a broad one.

November 17th, 2016Committee meeting

Dr. John Barrett

Natural Resources committee  I'll take a stab at it. I think that is a really important question. What we're finding is that there is a tendency—and part of it has to do with the public knowledge we've alluded to, the lack sometimes of detailed knowledge or familiarity with our sector and its contribution to clean energy—that there are discussions, and they happen here in Ottawa and other provincial capitals, where the discussion of clear energy is not including nuclear energy.

November 17th, 2016Committee meeting

Dr. John Barrett

Natural Resources committee  Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman and members of the committee. Good morning. The Canadian Nuclear Association is a national industry association founded in 1960 to raise awareness of the many benefits that civil nuclear technology brings to Canadians. We would like to offer some insights into how nuclear technology can help Canada achieve ambitious climate change objectives, within the context of sustainable development; how we can use its innovative potential to improve the quality of life for Canadians; and how Canada's own brand of nuclear technology brings economic opportunities for communities and high-skilled jobs for those seeking a demanding but rewarding future in the nuclear sector.

November 17th, 2016Committee meeting

Dr. John Barrett

Natural Resources committee  I would offer my own opinion on that. Until September 2013, I served as Canada's ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency, and I chaired the board of governors. I was present there during the Fukushima accident as well as the follow-up to that. Mr. Binder mentioned earlier the very extensive 12-point action plan on safety that was developed at the IAEA following the accident.

June 5th, 2014Committee meeting

Dr. John Barrett

Natural Resources committee  Indeed. I think the first example that comes to mind is again with reference to the Japanese situation. I remember very clearly that the countries surrounding Japan were quite concerned about the impact of the accident and whether it would reach their shores and affect their countries.

June 5th, 2014Committee meeting

Dr. John Barrett

Natural Resources committee  Well, it is my understanding that under the previous act and the limits there, the pool of insurers, the Nuclear Insurance Association of Canada, was able to handle the requirements, and the premiums were paid on that basis. As it goes up to $1 billion, the view of industry is that, as in any market, a little more competition might help.

June 5th, 2014Committee meeting

Dr. John Barrett

Natural Resources committee  I think it is the clarity of the definition, because as I mentioned at the outset, the nuclear industry is a pretty wide tent, and it involves a number of members, some of whom are involved in uranium mining, for example. Others we talked about today, the power generators, are mostly affected by the legislation that's at hand.

June 5th, 2014Committee meeting

Dr. John Barrett