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Finance committee  I would certainly agree that we need effective regulation that's properly enforced to protect the public interest, but that regulation also needs to be informed by sound science. The Canadian Water Network is helping to translate that science into new best practices that inform even better regulation going forward.

October 1st, 2014Committee meeting

Gord Lambert

Finance committee  Just to scale the challenge for you, in 2012 the installed municipal waste treatment facilities were about $370 billion, and about an $80-billion gap exists to expand those facilities to meet future needs, based on a 2012 estimate. In that regard, the application of science to make sure that whatever form these facilities take is well designed and that they're going to produce the water outcomes we require in the most economically efficient manner does require the application of best practices and science.

October 1st, 2014Committee meeting

Gord Lambert

Finance committee  Our focus in the Canadian Water Network is building the capacity among our professional and scientific practitioners in water. We know that our expertise that has been developed, even so far with the water network in its current form, is very world class. We do see it as having tremendous value to take what we learn and to go internationally and out to other jurisdictions with it.

October 1st, 2014Committee meeting

Gord Lambert

Finance committee  Quite simply, water being a public shared resource, it's important that you be able to convene multiple interests to take a focus on these issues and the solutions to them. The Canadian Water Network has developed this tremendous ability to convene diverse interests, to take science and translate it to practice in an effective manner.

October 1st, 2014Committee meeting

Gord Lambert

Finance committee  Thank you. It's a great pleasure to be here today. My name is Gordon Lambert. I'm the executive adviser for sustainability and innovation for Suncor. I'm grateful for the opportunity to appear before you today on behalf of the Canadian Water Network, with which I've had experience both as a board member and as a partner on research.

October 1st, 2014Committee meeting

Gord Lambert