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Natural Resources committee  Northwest Ontario is our own issue right now because of the potential development of the Ring of Fire up there, and also electrifying some of the communities that are currently on diesel. That's a long conversation. In terms of Quebec, the interplay between nuclear and Quebec, essentially the marginal cost of an electron made by nuclear reactor is close to zero.

October 2nd, 2017Committee meeting

James Hinds

Natural Resources committee  There are maybe 10 people in the world who know about my dad, so thank you for that.

October 2nd, 2017Committee meeting

James Hinds

Natural Resources committee  That's a very good question. In doing what I do—and perhaps unlike Jim—I have to be technology agnostic, because my job is to make sure people's lights go on. I can't fall in love with any particular flavour of the way these things are made. I have a very “technical system operator” point of view on the variety of different sources.

October 2nd, 2017Committee meeting

James Hinds

Natural Resources committee  By the way, we fully respect Quebec—and this is not my map. This is the way the Americans look at this. From the point of view of a colleague, Quebec's interconnection with the eastern interconnect is seamless. I think the jurisdictional boundary that they draw in their map is only because Quebec has a different form of electricity system than the rest of us do.

October 2nd, 2017Committee meeting

James Hinds

Natural Resources committee  That's not completely true. You sell a lot to the Americans through our transmission system. At any given point in time, you'll be selling to Ontario, and wheeling through Ontario and selling into the United States' grid. Right now I just checked, and we're probably wheeling about 400 megawatts of power from Quebec to New York for you.

October 2nd, 2017Committee meeting

James Hinds

Natural Resources committee  You pay for the privilege, and the transmission system is open. The Hydro-Québec marketing arm deals with all the niceties involved in selling the power through whatever interconnection is the most viable at the lowest cost to the buyer, so that all works quite well. The only challenge with it is that we need to take your DC power and change it on the way through the interties, but we have big investments in that at the interties that do that.

October 2nd, 2017Committee meeting

James Hinds

Natural Resources committee  I do not have an idea on the cost of that. I think the way I would get it, if you would like an answer, is I'd call the TransCanada Energy Ltd. people and find out what their idea was back in 2005 when they costed it then. I think they tried to put together a consortium to do it, but they found the economic case didn't work.

October 2nd, 2017Committee meeting

James Hinds

Natural Resources committee  In the sense that this has been looked at a lot of different times, I think the most recent iteration of a full east-west tie was back in 2005. TransCanada had done a study and was trying to rally some support for a full trans-Canada tie. We're not that far away. Ontario is interconnected with a 115-kilovolt line into Manitoba, and I believe Alberta is interconnected up north with Saskatchewan.

October 2nd, 2017Committee meeting

James Hinds

Natural Resources committee  There's a lot of math and a lot of electricity, and there are a lot of things that have to go on here, not the least of which is siting, which is huge problem for transmission. Any time you build something new, it takes forever to get transmission approved. It can take decades.

October 2nd, 2017Committee meeting

James Hinds

Natural Resources committee  We're doing our own north-south interties right now more or less bilaterally. We keep augmenting our interties with the United States, in Ontario's case. I know Quebec has a line proposed in through Vermont and New Hampshire. I know that this intertie that's going down as a result of the Muskrat Falls coming out of Nova Scotia is going to tie into the New Brunswick interties.

October 2nd, 2017Committee meeting

James Hinds

Natural Resources committee  Thank you, Mr. Chair. I have a couple of things quickly at the outset. Was there a map circulated that looks something like this?

October 2nd, 2017Committee meeting

James Hinds

Natural Resources committee  Excellent. I'll speak to that. Secondly, I'll make a public service announcement. The various organizations with which I've spent time have asked me to make sure that you understand that these are my views, and not necessarily the views of Hydro One or the Independent Electricity System Operator in Ontario.

October 2nd, 2017Committee meeting

James Hinds