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Natural Resources committee  On part of it, I can. My comments really are what I read in the media, what I've seen released, and agreements that get around. It's a complex time because not only is Ontario trying to sort out its future requirements—the long-term energy plan is due out I think this month maybe, Jim?

October 2nd, 2017Committee meeting

Jim Burpee

Natural Resources committee  No, I can't. I'm not aware of the details of whether storage would impact the ability to flow. It was my understanding that the surplus to Newfoundland's needs, beyond what's committed to Nova Scotia Power and Emera, would probably find its way into the U.S. market. I don't know if there's a time at which the supply at Muskrat Falls would exceed the capability of the maritime link, which I think is 500 megawatts.

October 2nd, 2017Committee meeting

Jim Burpee

Natural Resources committee  I'll go back to what I said before, which is from Manitoba through to B.C. From an electricity-supply perspective, we're already one of the cleanest systems in terms of low carbon emissions, but if you look at 2030 and beyond, part of the country that really doesn't have a complete plan yet, other than closing some more coal units, of how to get even cleaner would be Alberta and Saskatchewan.

October 2nd, 2017Committee meeting

Jim Burpee

Natural Resources committee  In terms of modernizing, there is no question in my mind going forward that, in any decarbonization scenario, the distribution grid is going to become far more complex than it is today. The consumer will get more involved in the electricity system through variable demand, how electric vehicles are charged, and what not.

October 2nd, 2017Committee meeting

Jim Burpee

Natural Resources committee  Thank you, Mr. Chair, and members of the committee. Thank you for inviting me here to speak to you as an individual Canadian, albeit one who has spent 40 years in the electricity sector, not only in Ontario but in Canada, North America, and globally. For me, the overarching context for today's discussion is Canada's long-term targets for climate change mitigation, specifically 2050.

October 2nd, 2017Committee meeting

Jim Burpee