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Finance committee  I have a different answer for that one: no. This is a very difficult challenge for all municipalities, including London. It's an unfunded issue right now. We don't have the funding set aside in capital plans to deal with the maintenance and repair. The province doesn't and the federal government doesn't.

October 19th, 2017Committee meeting

Jesse Helmer

Finance committee  For homelessness funding, I will give you an example. This is nothing against Hamilton. However, the way some of the funding flows is that cities are put into broad categories, so if you're larger than a certain size of population, you get a certain amount of money. It's larger per person if you're in a bigger city.

October 19th, 2017Committee meeting

Jesse Helmer

Finance committee  Let me switch gears a little bit. I'm the chair of our health unit in London and Middlesex, and certainly when we met with Mr. Blair when he came in to talk about the government's approach, one of the issues we raised with him was how we were going to pay for the enforcement side of these things.

October 19th, 2017Committee meeting

Jesse Helmer

Finance committee  I expect that it will be an issue we'll have to sort out with the province. I think the federal government.... You know, there's a lot of variation in terms of how things are delivered in different provinces. I think it's reasonable for them to be dividing it up that way for now, but I do think we're going to have to talk with the province about it.

October 19th, 2017Committee meeting

Jesse Helmer

Finance committee  We're very pleased with the direction that the public transit funding is going in for the City of London. We have about a $500-million need immediately with rapid transit. That's a project we're going to have to build out over eight to 10 years. We need roughly $200 million, maybe a bit more, from the federal government.

October 19th, 2017Committee meeting

Jesse Helmer

Finance committee  Yes. We're very fortunate at the City of London. We have a lot great staff, especially in the finance and engineering area. They have been way out in front for many years in terms of asset management plans and planning out on the infrastructure side what the condition of the assets are, when they need to be replaced, and what kinds of problems we have.

October 19th, 2017Committee meeting

Jesse Helmer

Finance committee  I would say that it's an interesting idea, and it might help with the London and Middlesex Housing Corporation, which is the owner of the social housing, but in London we have not waited around for those changes to happen. We've set up a housing development corporation owned by the municipality.

October 19th, 2017Committee meeting

Jesse Helmer

Finance committee  In London we approach this issue at a regional level, because it's certainly a regional problem. The sources of phosphorus going into the watershed are many. In London, around 15% is coming from urban sources, so we certainly contribute our fair share to the problem. A lot of that is coming through the wastewater treatment plants, and it's certainly coming through when we have overflow events.

October 19th, 2017Committee meeting

Jesse Helmer

Finance committee  In terms of phase one, I would say that it went fairly well. That was on a small scale, compared to what will happen in phase two. I think there's some concern about the abilities of both the provincial government and the federal government to process all of the information that is going to be coming forward for infrastructure projects.

October 19th, 2017Committee meeting

Jesse Helmer

Finance committee  Very briefly, I would say that's the challenge in a country such as Canada: designing national programs that support the variations we have at the local level and at the regional level. It can be very challenging. I do think that needs to be recognized. On the transit front, I think it's working very well.

October 19th, 2017Committee meeting

Jesse Helmer

Finance committee  Thank you. Chair and members of the Standing Committee on Finance, thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today. I'm joined today by Adam Thompson, who is our manager of government and external relations with the City of London. As the largest urban centre in southwestern Ontario, London provides economic and social opportunities for all 2.5 million residents in the region.

October 19th, 2017Committee meeting

Jesse Helmer