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Official Languages committee  That would be ideal; that's what we would like. As I said earlier, there are examples of situations in which the federal government is currently dealing directly with postsecondary institutions regarding health by going through an association whose name I've forgotten but that represents the institutions in the health world.

November 8th, 2018Committee meeting

Alpha Barry

Official Languages committee  I was just saying that, from the outset, we must prepare those students who need to succeed from early childhood, and we have to support them on their cultural and academic journey.

November 8th, 2018Committee meeting

Alpha Barry

Official Languages committee  Take me, for example. I come from a French system where everything was in blocks and structured, and then I arrived here and it was a different system. We have to help newcomers and their children succeed. Success has to be the watchword for everyone.

November 8th, 2018Committee meeting

Alpha Barry

Official Languages committee  Diversity is no longer a matter of choice in Saskatchewan. We take in so many immigrants that it's become a commitment. The vitality and sustainability of language and culture depend on this wave of immigrants that's arriving in Saskatchewan, and that concerns the schools. It comes with an added value but also with its share of issues.

November 8th, 2018Committee meeting

Alpha Barry

Official Languages committee  All right. I'll start by evoking the subsidiarity principle. The government closest to the people is in the best position to meet their needs. I think it all boils down to that. We are consulting ourselves on the future OLEP. As chair of the school board, I declare that I haven't yet been contacted by my government, despite several follow-up letters to the minister requesting a meeting.

November 8th, 2018Committee meeting

Alpha Barry

Official Languages committee  While we agree on the idea of updating the act, making it more dynamic, modernizing it and bringing it into step with the times, I think it would be easier to include this in the Official Languages Act than to reopen the Constitution. The latter solution would indeed be more difficult.

November 8th, 2018Committee meeting

Alpha Barry

Official Languages committee  I just wanted to say that you, as the federal government, already have to establish conditions for the transfers. We see that some of them, in health, for example, no longer go through the provinces and are forwarded directly to the institutions. Those examples are already out there, and I think you would do well to draw on them.

November 8th, 2018Committee meeting

Alpha Barry

Official Languages committee  Don't worry; I often hear that name.

November 8th, 2018Committee meeting

Alpha Barry

Official Languages committee  I hadn't heard that one. I got rid of it. The short answer to your question is that the magic solution is in our brief. We drew on what already exists, without touching the Constitution, opening it all up and so on. We looked at the Official Languages Act, with its quasi-constitutional character, and were inspired by existing paragraph 43(1)(d).

November 8th, 2018Committee meeting

Alpha Barry

Official Languages committee  I will use an example from the action plan that concerns us, namely the Official Languages in Education Program, or OLEP. We have noticed some flaws over time and have divided those into three categories. First, there is the lack of consultation with the French-language school boards, then the accountability — what we are really getting from Ottawa, how the equivalence of the funding in the agreement with the province is calculated, and, finally, how the funding is used.

September 27th, 2018Committee meeting

Alpha Barry

Official Languages committee  The 20% increase does not apply to us because we do not receive these funds. In the action plan, we deliver on our community and cultural mandate through the OLEP. This funding is essential. You know that a strategic agreement was struck between the Canadian government, the Fédération nationale des conseils scolaires francophones, or FNCSF, the Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada, or FCFA, and the Commission nationale des parents francophones, or CNPF.

September 27th, 2018Committee meeting

Alpha Barry

Official Languages committee  We don't want these clauses to be mere scarecrows: they must have teeth. In modernizing the act, we could solve the structural problem by including binding provisions that enhance the Commissioner's powers. The idea is to guarantee compliance with the linguistic clauses in bilateral agreements.

September 27th, 2018Committee meeting

Alpha Barry

Official Languages committee  I agree that modernizing the act must include recognition of our full management right. The rest will be resolved once that's in place.

September 27th, 2018Committee meeting

Alpha Barry

Official Languages committee  I was looking at Mr. Arseneault when Mr. N'Goandi mentioned lawyers.

September 27th, 2018Committee meeting

Alpha Barry

Official Languages committee  On top of everything else. As you said, we at the Conseil des écoles fransaskoises want to address the legislative problem from a structural standpoint.

September 27th, 2018Committee meeting

Alpha Barry