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Procedure and House Affairs committee  It is logistically feasible but it does make for longer workdays. We already have very long days and tired poll workers are often a problem at the end of the day. That would be the main operational concern in holding the results. It could be done.

October 18th, 2018Committee meeting

Trevor Knight

Procedure and House Affairs committee  Unfortunately—I think I have to be honest—I can't say I have information on that particular case. Part of the issue, of course, is exactly what has just been expressed. There is the possibility of bringing things into force earlier. We're monitoring the situation, and depending upon when it is passed, we'll have to consider it.

October 18th, 2018Committee meeting

Trevor Knight

Procedure and House Affairs committee  Perhaps I'll add one more piece of context. In Bill C-76, as it stands now, the trigger is that the writ may not be issued within the nine months before the general election.

October 18th, 2018Committee meeting

Trevor Knight

Procedure and House Affairs committee  That's right—without this amendment. That actually extends the period of the vacancy, which could lead to a period of non-representation back to 15 months or so. That wasn't the intention of our recommendation, although I don't think our recommendation, to be honest, was perfectly well crafted.

October 18th, 2018Committee meeting

Trevor Knight

Procedure and House Affairs committee  The by-election has to be called within 11 and 180 days after Elections Canada receives the warrant from the Speaker.

October 18th, 2018Committee meeting

Trevor Knight

Procedure and House Affairs committee  Normally they would wait, to give themselves time. There have been occasions where they get to the 180 days and there's a requirement to call but there's only three months before the general election, so they call it. There's a minimum election period at present but no maximum, so they can call it for a later date and it would be the general election.

October 18th, 2018Committee meeting

Trevor Knight

Procedure and House Affairs committee  That is the writ period under the current law. There's a maximum of 50 days put in place by Bill C-76, but under the current law, there's no maximum election period.

October 18th, 2018Committee meeting

Trevor Knight

Procedure and House Affairs committee  There's a minimum point at which it has to be called, and then a minimum length for the election campaign.

October 18th, 2018Committee meeting

Trevor Knight

Procedure and House Affairs committee  That's under the current law. Bill C-76 changes that by adding a maximum election period of 50 days.

October 18th, 2018Committee meeting

Trevor Knight

Procedure and House Affairs committee  The situation is much as was described. As we approach a general election, there's a belief that if a by-election is called, it will be called and the person will sit for two days, and then the general election will be held. Often, the by-elections are called so that they overlap with the general election.

October 18th, 2018Committee meeting

Trevor Knight

Procedure and House Affairs committee  It would certainly be clearer. But yes, we would continue to read the ridings as if they had the name at the 2013 representation order.

October 18th, 2018Committee meeting

Trevor Knight

Procedure and House Affairs committee  As I understand it, then, schedule 3 would be updated, if Bill C-402 passes, upon the first dissolution of Parliament after Bill C-402 passes, to reflect the names in Bill C-402.

October 18th, 2018Committee meeting

Trevor Knight

Procedure and House Affairs committee  Just to provide some context on our reading of schedule 3—because schedule 3 can only be changed by statute—schedule 3 sets out the ridings, saying that you need 50 signatures from electors rather than 100 signatures from electors. In a case in which a name is changed by an act of Parliament but schedule 3 is not updated, we just read schedule 3 via the new name.

October 18th, 2018Committee meeting

Trevor Knight

Procedure and House Affairs committee  In section 120 what we talk about is a polling division "assigned" to the polling station—rattachée.

October 18th, 2018Committee meeting

Trevor Knight

Procedure and House Affairs committee  Our comment is not a concern about this amendment. I believe this amendment reflects what our intention always was. I just want to highlight that the concern we raised that led us to recommend a process such as this, where it was centralized, was the burden on the returning officers.

October 18th, 2018Committee meeting

Trevor Knight