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Public Accounts committee  That is not a term we use. I'll just explain very briefly. If it's a significant deficiency, we will raise it. Anything else is a recommendation for a weakness that we identify as needing improvement.

April 30th, 2019Committee meeting

Clyde MacLellan

Public Accounts committee  We don't have in-house residence expertise, but when we deal with particular issues, such as what you're discussing, we engage with private sector counterparts who have the expertise to look at the different models and assess the potential impact. We address the potential issue by making sure that we engage those who have the experience.

April 30th, 2019Committee meeting

Clyde MacLellan

April 30th, 2019Committee meeting

Clyde MacLellan

Public Accounts committee  If I may, I'll start, and then I'll ask Mr. Bergeron to provide more specific details. What I'd like to do for a minute, if I may, is to take a look at our report in the bigger picture and drill down to the types of issues and questions you are rightly posing and delving into.

April 30th, 2019Committee meeting

Clyde MacLellan

Public Accounts committee  Let me be clear that they do not have a business relationship. Their only relationship is as co-auditors with us.

April 30th, 2019Committee meeting

Clyde MacLellan

Public Accounts committee  We have not audited compensation arrangements for boards of directors. While it is a very important conversation you're having as members, I must say our office has not done any sufficient audit work to have any real comments in that area.

April 30th, 2019Committee meeting

Clyde MacLellan

Public Accounts committee  They're pointing to me. I don't know the answer in terms of the whole scale and what numbers apply to the scale. I will simply say that the chairman's assessment of the likely per diem is accurate, from my knowledge of Crowns, generally.

April 30th, 2019Committee meeting

Clyde MacLellan

Public Accounts committee  When we talk about reputational risk, we usually refer to that as an illustration of operational risks that can be faced in an institution that are not financial. It's not something that we attempt to see organizations measure as a financial metric or a series of numbers. What we look to see is how the organization contemplates the types of risks that can affect its reputation.

April 30th, 2019Committee meeting

Clyde MacLellan

Public Accounts committee  Mr. Chair, thank you for this opportunity to discuss our special examination report on the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, or CMHC. As you mentioned, I am accompanied today by Lissa Lamarche, assistant auditor general, who was the principal responsible for this audit at the time of the report.

April 30th, 2019Committee meeting

Clyde MacLellan

Public Accounts committee  I think it's a fair question to ask. One, that needs to be managed. Just as we have reported in some other special examinations where you have representative boards, there are challenges with.... What I mean by a representative board is that you have stakeholders with an interest in the activities of the organization participating in the governance of that organization.

May 8th, 2018Committee meeting

Clyde MacLellan

Public Accounts committee  I think that if it's managed properly in terms of dealing with the particular issues you're raising, you can get the best of both worlds, effectively. You can get the insight into what's important from the principal shareholder. I think it is important not to lose sight that, although we create an arm's-length crown corporation to manage issues outside the normal activities of government, it is still an instrument of the government.

May 8th, 2018Committee meeting

Clyde MacLellan

Public Accounts committee  First it would be the board itself, and second, all those crown corporations are subject to a special examination by the Office of the Auditor General. One of the things we look at is the way in which conflicts are managed in individual organizations. Certainly the minutes of boards are not public knowledge, to the best of my understanding, so it's largely dealt with through that mechanism.

May 8th, 2018Committee meeting

Clyde MacLellan

Public Accounts committee  Mr. Chair, I may be able to help. It does occur in other crown corporations. It is not universal, so you're right to sort of recognize it as something that is different from what you might see regularly. Typically, my experience has been that appointments of government officials in an ex officio capacity has a lot to do with the significance of the institution to the broader mandates of the government.

May 8th, 2018Committee meeting

Clyde MacLellan

Public Accounts committee  At the time we did the audit of AECL, we identified this as a recommendation to consider. As Mr. Lajeunesse has indicated, they have taken steps to respond to the recommendations we have identified. However, as I said in my opening statement, as of today, I have not audited all of them, so I can't respond to your question because I have not completed the audit on what existed.

May 8th, 2018Committee meeting

Clyde MacLellan

Public Accounts committee  Mr. Chair, if I may respond, when we looked at compensation, and you've raised a lot of different issues in your observation. Suffice it to say that our expectation is not always that the CEO be the highest paid individual in an organization. Although that should be a driving factor, this alignment is also one of the considerations, given that the Governor in Council has the right to set the compensation of the CEO, but it is not necessarily a given that everything falls nicely in line.

May 8th, 2018Committee meeting

Clyde MacLellan