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Environment committee  We're not just committed—we're absolutely committed. Niall and I work on this stuff daily, but we're not alone. This effort has brought together a number of jurisdictions and interests around this objective, so we're all rolling in the same direction. In some ways, the scope of that collaboration is unprecedented.

May 15th, 2019Committee meeting

Michael Nadler

Environment committee  It's an important contributor, for sure. Again, I do want to underscore that your report as a committee was an important contributor. There are other contributors as well, but absolutely, the funding has been a contributor.

May 15th, 2019Committee meeting

Michael Nadler

Environment committee  As I mentioned, some of that funding announced in budget 2018 is coming to Parks Canada. We're investing now and will continue to invest. We're also on a five-year cycle. The one thing that I guess I would observe is that the Aichi targets are real and present. They'll be there in 2020, and we will all have to continue working to achieve them, but please understand that the convention on biodiversity is also aware of the species challenges facing the planet, and there will be new targets for sure.

May 15th, 2019Committee meeting

Michael Nadler

Environment committee  Again, one of the transformative elements of that funding and those investments is that they are bringing together multiple jurisdictions, indigenous groups and a much broader collectivity of interests in responding to what is a very serious situation, as your constituent observed.

May 15th, 2019Committee meeting

Michael Nadler

Environment committee  Or even provincial ones, right?

May 15th, 2019Committee meeting

Michael Nadler

Environment committee  We manage ecological spaces at Parks Canada that traverse boundaries, and it really is important to be able to work effectively with multiple provinces and, for that matter, multiple communities.

May 15th, 2019Committee meeting

Michael Nadler

Environment committee  Yes, even with the United States. I guess in some ways the convention on biodiversity is really focused on bringing nations together around these issues. There are a number of initiatives, in which we play a part, that are looking at the movement of species. Climate change is causing shifts in ecosystems.

May 15th, 2019Committee meeting

Michael Nadler

Environment committee  It's important to keep in mind that even a really small area can be very important in terms of conservation, area or even biodiversity.

May 15th, 2019Committee meeting

Michael Nadler

Environment committee  Parks Canada has a separate allocation of $220.8 million over five years; that's for restoring some capacity that had been reduced in past years. Also, as we've been observing collectively in this meeting, the targets themselves and the Aichi commitments are changing the way we view connectivity and biodiversity, and management in that space requires new skills and new abilities and new approaches.

May 15th, 2019Committee meeting

Michael Nadler

Environment committee  As part of the journey in our work on all the biodiversity targets, in collaboration across three levels of government and with indigenous communities and others, an important takeaway is to recognize the high level of excellence that municipalities apply to conservation. We've all learned a lot, actually, from having municipalities that are able to balance multiple uses and still achieve significant conservation gains within their boundaries.

May 15th, 2019Committee meeting

Michael Nadler

Environment committee  I can speak generically and then specifically on that, though you might have seen some of the recent media coverage on the file. Ecological integrity is fundamental to every decision made at Parks Canada. It's rooted in our legislation. It's actually rooted in the agency's establishment, too.

May 15th, 2019Committee meeting

Michael Nadler

Environment committee  MP Stetski, to respond a bit as well to your first question, as we know from the experience at Rouge national park, as we are learning in consultations near your riding in Osoyoos around South Okanagan, it is possible to achieve conservation gains even when the land is being used for other purposes, like ranching or farming in Rouge national park.

May 15th, 2019Committee meeting

Michael Nadler

Environment committee  The committee shouldn't underestimate its own influence, though. Your own report helped us to shape many of these concepts too. We truly appreciate your work in that area.

May 15th, 2019Committee meeting

Michael Nadler

Environment committee  Please allow me to add something, which would also answer Mr. Amos' question a little. The targets exist, it's true, and they are important. However, the Aichi targets include other elements to promote biodiversity around the world and in Canada. For instance, one of the aspects of our work that is really important and progressing well is the collaboration between several levels of government.

May 15th, 2019Committee meeting

Michael Nadler

Environment committee  Thanks, Mr. Chair. Thanks to all of you for the opportunity to speak today. As you mentioned, my name is Michael Nadler. I'm the interim chief executive officer at Parks Canada. I'm joined by David Murray, who is a key part of our establishment team, primarily focused on northern parks and protected places.

May 15th, 2019Committee meeting

Michael Nadler