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Canadian Heritage committee  I will not talk about bills that don't exist. We always hear about the next piece of legislation that, for example, will force Web giants to pay for news content. The current bill is all we have. So I would not like to support or challenge a bill that doesn't exist. Bill C-10 needs to be improved, and that's what we are doing today.

March 22nd, 2021Committee meeting

Daniel Bernhard

Canadian Heritage committee  When I heard that statement, I was prompted to pull my hair out, but as you can see, there's not much left to extract, so I had to express my frustration in other ways. As I said, this is a very misleading statement. For the minister to say that companies like Facebook and YouTube are not exempt and that they'll only be regulated when they behave as broadcasters is very misleading, because, as I said in my opening remarks, if they were not behaving like broadcasters, then there would be no need for the exemption in the first place.

March 22nd, 2021Committee meeting

Daniel Bernhard

Canadian Heritage committee  I'll answer in English, just to be quicker. I agree with Bell that Mr. Péladeau's comments are not accurate. We believe these foreign streaming services can and should be regulated. We've been having this discussion since 2014, and we're still having this discussion. Meanwhile, technology has advanced.

March 22nd, 2021Committee meeting

Daniel Bernhard

Canadian Heritage committee  We want to make room for the foreign players, to increase choice, and we want to reflect the fact that they're already here. However, we don't need to invite them to take over the existing infrastructure and dominate it. If there is a takeover bid, for example, of certain Canadian broadcasters and Canadian ownership is not a policy objective in the act, on what basis would the CRTC say no, this is not okay?

March 22nd, 2021Committee meeting

Daniel Bernhard

Canadian Heritage committee  That statement, what Unifor and ACTRA said, is exactly right, and we support them in this regard.

March 22nd, 2021Committee meeting

Daniel Bernhard

Canadian Heritage committee  It's not clear. The idea of programming control indicates or can indicate human control in distinguishing the decisions being made. That is why it is so important to clarify things.

March 22nd, 2021Committee meeting

Daniel Bernhard

Canadian Heritage committee  Yes, exactly. It's all about size. You need a certain set of standards and requirements for small broadcasters, and a stricter set for big broadcasters. For example, YouTube has users who post content online but who are actually professional broadcasting companies that are much larger than Canadian licensed broadcasters.

March 22nd, 2021Committee meeting

Daniel Bernhard

Canadian Heritage committee  You're right. I am very skeptical about the contributions and statements made by social media companies and other tech giants like Netflix. Since 2014, the year Netflix went before the CRTC to argue its case on camera, we have been trying to figure out a way to regulate Netflix.

March 22nd, 2021Committee meeting

Daniel Bernhard

Canadian Heritage committee  This is another important question. I think the objective must be to create a fair system where competition is fair—in other words, a system where Netflix and Canadian broadcasters, its competitors, are required to contribute based on a similar percentage. If Netflix can also access cultural funds like the Canada media fund, for example, that's not a major problem in my opinion, but clear rules must be established so that all broadcasters, be they foreign or Canadian, would contribute equally and be subject to the same rules.

March 22nd, 2021Committee meeting

Daniel Bernhard

Canadian Heritage committee  The situation is unclear, and that worries me. The bill, through ministerial instructions, gives many options to the CRTC, which could regulate broadcasters in the circumstances it deems appropriate, which are not clearly defined. We believe it is important to create clear guidelines on income generated in Canada, on users and on the funding of global original content, among others, such that the Parliament of Canada would take business size into account.

March 22nd, 2021Committee meeting

Daniel Bernhard

Canadian Heritage committee  That is a very important provision of the act. According to Friends of Canadian Broadcasting, it is important to distinguish between users who share content with one another and the platforms themselves, which generate billions of dollars through those distribution services. So it is a matter of magnitude.

March 22nd, 2021Committee meeting

Daniel Bernhard

Canadian Heritage committee  Mr. Chair, honourable committee members, it is a pleasure to be with you today. You already know that Friends of Canadian Broadcasting is a Canada-wide non-partisan group dedicated to defending Canadian culture on the air and online. Here are the choices before you as Friends sees them.

March 22nd, 2021Committee meeting

Daniel Bernhard

Information & Ethics committee  The CRTC has exempted itself from the obligation to regulate online broadcasting. That's not actually a problem with the Broadcasting Act. The CRTC has created an order to let itself off the hook with this. We can litigate that on another occasion. I think the major implication for that is with Netflix and companies like that.

February 22nd, 2021Committee meeting

Daniel Bernhard

Information & Ethics committee  Thank you for your question. I think the biggest problem—we mention this in our report—happens when an offence is not criminal but civil and the current system leaves it to the individual victim to take up their case with a platform. This happens often in cases of libel and defamation.

February 22nd, 2021Committee meeting

Daniel Bernhard

February 22nd, 2021Committee meeting

Daniel Bernhard