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Canadian Heritage committee  Thank you. I'll give it over to Karine to give you the answers to your question about what we pay today. We pay a lot of money for American programming. We're not denying that. You say it's surprising, but that's the business model. The business model is that we pay a lot for American programming, and then we take that and we have regulatory requirements to put it into Canadian content, including news.

June 1st, 2022Committee meeting

Jonathan Daniels

Canadian Heritage committee  How did the regulatory regime enable it? Through bold regulatory decisions that were made over 50 years ago to harness the power of Hollywood for the greater good of Canada through creative regulatory measures that put Canadian broadcasters at the centre of the broadcasting ecosystem.

June 1st, 2022Committee meeting

Jonathan Daniels

Canadian Heritage committee  Right. But rather than dictating and adding extra obligations on us, I would say that if you provide the funding.... Let me be clear: There is no proposal here to have taxpayer dollars. What we're talking about is that we would all have to contribute. There are obligations that we have to do.

March 22nd, 2021Committee meeting

Jonathan Daniels

Canadian Heritage committee  Let me take that one. I think we want to get away from.... First of all, I don't think the answer is to turn to streamers such as the Netflixes of the world and look at them to be our local news providers, because they're going to be foreign-owned and they're not going to be focused on Canadian stories.

March 22nd, 2021Committee meeting

Jonathan Daniels

Canadian Heritage committee  I think you're absolutely right. Things are changing in terms of what the model is going to look like in a few years. Those are a couple of things we're trying to achieve in this, by getting a level playing field and being able to compete with the streamers. Let's be clear: We're streamers ourselves.

March 22nd, 2021Committee meeting

Jonathan Daniels

Canadian Heritage committee  No, I don't think so. Maybe I can hand it over to Alain to elaborate on what's going on with local news.

March 22nd, 2021Committee meeting

Jonathan Daniels

Canadian Heritage committee  Let me break that down into a couple of different things, because you covered a lot there. On the first point, in terms of the reference to receiving subsidies for.... I think you're referring to the CEWS funding that we received last year. I want to be clear that we took that money strictly for its intended purpose, which was to ensure continued employment for workers in business segments that were extraordinarily impacted by COVID-19, like The Source and Bell Media, for example.

March 22nd, 2021Committee meeting

Jonathan Daniels

Canadian Heritage committee  Of course, we would encourage everyone.... We think we provide a great product, and we would support and would like to have advertising on it. Maybe Alain could talk a little more about what's going on with news in terms of the revenues right now, but we would certainly welcome any and every opportunity to provide good...or bring in the viewership to news.

March 22nd, 2021Committee meeting

Jonathan Daniels

Canadian Heritage committee  I think all we're saying is.... My reference was to advertising on our network, rather than a news fund, so I would just say that we wish to be attractive in terms of a product to bring eyeballs and so on—and we do so successfully, as you've heard. We've seen our viewership in news go up, but because of the nature of what's going on generally in terms of advertising and more directed...the dollars haven't followed through in that area.

March 22nd, 2021Committee meeting

Jonathan Daniels

Canadian Heritage committee  Just to be clear, we're not asking for any—

March 22nd, 2021Committee meeting

Jonathan Daniels

Canadian Heritage committee  Thank you. I appreciate getting the.... Now I understand the question. I apologize for my lack of French. What I'd say is no, we don't agree. The short of it is that levelling the playing field by having foreign providers contribute into funds like the CMF, which can then decide how to pay that money out, will ensure that you achieve CanCon.

March 22nd, 2021Committee meeting

Jonathan Daniels

Canadian Heritage committee  I'll start by saying that I don't think the answer is more prescriptive rules about the time for when you have to showcase or something like that, because the reality is that we are competing with the Netflixes of the world and so on. To take a traditional approach and worry about prime time specifically, and to have certain obligations that are on different providers to show CanCon or something like that, I think is going to be self-defeating.

March 22nd, 2021Committee meeting

Jonathan Daniels

Canadian Heritage committee  Streaming is extremely important, and it's a competitive market out there, in terms of buying the rights, between us and the OTT providers and so on. This is another reason, in our mind, that it's important to level the playing field, to make sure that we actually have the opportunity, under the same rules, to compete with anyone else, because we're going to be buying the rights—or trying to buy the rights, let me put it that way—and competing with foreign streamers as well as Canadian streamers and broadcasters.

March 22nd, 2021Committee meeting

Jonathan Daniels

Canadian Heritage committee  I think I'm going to hand it off in a second to my colleague, Mr. Strati, to discuss that. In terms of defining, I think there's a very important difference between news, which is what we're talking about, as opposed to Canadian productions and CanCon, because there are strict rules on how CanCon is produced.

March 22nd, 2021Committee meeting

Jonathan Daniels

Canadian Heritage committee  Listen. I think that's.... We're all concerned. I think what we're seeing here in the broadcast industry is that the traditional domestic broadcasters are seeing declines in advertising and so on. We have had to make difficult decisions that are necessary to adapt to the transforming media industry but, at the same time, I think this bill enables more money to come into the system generally.

March 22nd, 2021Committee meeting

Jonathan Daniels