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Finance committee  Actually, I'd defer to somebody else for a clear example, but at the same time Bill C-208 would level it, so basically the taxes would be the same with a neighbour versus one of my children.

March 9th, 2021Committee meeting

Andre Harpe

Finance committee  I'll speak quickly and maybe somebody else can add to it, but I do know that if you look at the business world right now and especially banks, they're very used to the corporate culture. They get very uncomfortable...or they operate a lot more easily when they're dealing with a corporation, whether it's a farmer—

March 9th, 2021Committee meeting

Andre Harpe

Finance committee  Yes, that's exactly it. They won't—

March 9th, 2021Committee meeting

Andre Harpe

Finance committee  Sorry, I apologize. Yes, our farm was incorporated in 1972, when my father took over from my grandfather. We feel that the public perception is that when we talk about a corporate farm, we're talking about a corporation with shareholders, like IBM and businesses like that, that type of corporation.

March 9th, 2021Committee meeting

Andre Harpe

Finance committee  Not that I know of.

March 9th, 2021Committee meeting

Andre Harpe

Finance committee  Thank you very much. You make a wonderful point. Farming is not much different from owning a restaurant or owning a small manufacturing business. We're very much the same. It gets back to.... A small business is made, generally, from blood, sweat and tears. We put our labour into it, whether you call it our child, or whatever, but we're always trying to make something grow, especially on a farm.

March 9th, 2021Committee meeting

Andre Harpe

Finance committee  Thank you very much. It's interesting that Mr. Ross alluded to it as one variable in a set of variables, and I'd have to very much agree with that. I think what this bill would do is take one of the variables out of it. I think if I were to look forward 15 years from now, I would be very worried about putting the “corporate” into corporate farms.

March 9th, 2021Committee meeting

Andre Harpe

Finance committee  I'd be very worried. It's really tough, but what I would see is bigger farms. The fact is, getting back to what I've talked about before, when it gets to a certain point, when you go to sell the farm, unfortunately you do have bills and mortgages to pay off. It could become a real factor, and unfortunately some of the bigger farms are getting much bigger.

March 9th, 2021Committee meeting

Andre Harpe

Finance committee  Thank you, Branden. I think the big thing—and I've talked about it—is that this isn't a cure. This is not going to solve all our problems. Number one, not every child wants to go farming or wants to continue with a greenhouse, so it's not going to stop all our issues. I think the biggest thing it's going to do is that it's going to make it equal, but the thing is, as I talked about before....

March 9th, 2021Committee meeting

Andre Harpe

Finance committee  That's where the issue is. I've seen examples where you may get $250,000 more, say, on a $2-million farm. You might get up to $250,000 more by selling it to your neighbour rather than your kid. Or you might actually owe that money. It's not so much about “Do I make the choice of who I want to sell it to?”

March 9th, 2021Committee meeting

Andre Harpe

Finance committee  From what I've read of this bill, I think this will do it. This will work. It will make life a lot easier. It gets back to.... The unfortunate thing is that any time we make a move financially, when it comes to federal government, one of the first people we phone is our accountant, to see what the tax laws are.

March 9th, 2021Committee meeting

Andre Harpe

Finance committee  Yes, that's correct.

March 9th, 2021Committee meeting

Andre Harpe

Finance committee  No, having looked at the bill, I think the way it is written is good. Of course, the devil is always in the details, but right now it looks good, and we support it.

March 9th, 2021Committee meeting

Andre Harpe

Finance committee  Thank you very much. I think one of the issues with farming in this day is that it always has been a complicated business but it has become even more so, quite often because of the inability to find qualified labour, just because of the technologies. I rely on my family to be able to run the equipment that we have, just because with the technology in tractors and combines right now and even with the cost and the expense of it, we can no longer just pull somebody off the street.

March 9th, 2021Committee meeting

Andre Harpe

Finance committee  I'll use my farm as an example. When I took over the farm, I had two sisters. Basically it goes back to how many of your children are going to want to farm. Quite often it might be all, and sometimes it might be just one. In my case, I was the only one who had an interest in the farm.

March 9th, 2021Committee meeting

Andre Harpe