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Foreign Affairs committee  I'm not aware either, but I would note that we are working with all of the various investigative agencies and the RCMP to thoroughly look into any possibilities. As noted, because of the sanctions we have imposed, any such assets or financial dealings with Wagner or Wagner-related entities would be subject to criminal sanction.

June 13th, 2023Committee meeting

Andrew Turner

Foreign Affairs committee  We imposed sanctions on Prigozhin and the Wagner Group on February 24, 2022, as a direct response to the invasion of Ukraine.

June 13th, 2023Committee meeting

Andrew Turner

Foreign Affairs committee  In 2014, the group was far less important and had a far lower profile than it does now. The invasion was an opportunity to demonstrate our determination to bring the strongest possible economic pressure to bear in response to the invasion of Ukraine in 2022. That's why it was done at that time.

June 13th, 2023Committee meeting

Andrew Turner

Foreign Affairs committee  I think the ongoing conflict and broader regional tensions—not just between Armenia and Azerbaijan, but throughout the region—are a source of concern for Canada, because we see that they benefit Russia, principally. The tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan and the existence of conflict at various moments in time are some of the reasons that Armenia has continued to be part of the CSTO and has relied on Russia for security guarantees.

September 28th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Turner

Foreign Affairs committee  I don't think that the limited response that the CSTO has provided to Armenia's request for assistance is one that would have inspired confidence from any of the other members of the organization that might be relying on it for help in the future.

September 28th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Turner

Foreign Affairs committee  Well, Canada has had a long-standing position on the conflict, which is to support the UN Security Council decisions, which include mandating the OSCE to try to come up with a basis for a permanent peace agreement. In that regard, the foundation of our policy has been to support the work of the OSCE Minsk Group and its efforts, on the basis of the principles of territorial integrity, self-determination and non-use of force.

September 28th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Turner

Foreign Affairs committee  With regard to the first question, Canada has made it clear that we support all of the efforts to achieve peace, whether they're being led by the UN or the OSCE, so we're not giving preference to one option versus the other. We are happy to support whatever option has the most traction.

September 28th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Turner

Foreign Affairs committee  Canada is playing a supporting position in encouraging peace, but we are not the lead. As I said, it has been traditionally been the OSCE Minsk Group and specifically the co-chairs of France, the U.S. and Russia. I don't agree that we have no position. Our position is very clear: We are supporting the international efforts to achieve peace in the region.

September 28th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Turner

Foreign Affairs committee  This is another indication of the difficulties caused by the confusion and vagueness surrounding this situation, when the two countries do not agree on the demarcation of the border region. This leads to situations where one thinks the other is launching an assault when it is not.

September 28th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Turner

Foreign Affairs committee  Certainly. I can speak a bit to what we are doing in our bilateral relations with both countries and then turn to Alison for anything more, specifically through the OSCE or other angles. With regard to Azerbaijan, we regularly engage with the government on the importance of gender equality, on promoting women's economic empowerment and, on a small scale, providing some support to civil society organizations through Canada-funded projects.

September 28th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Turner

Foreign Affairs committee  Yes. One of the provisions is to ensure access, just as there was likewise a set schedule for the transfer of some territory. This is one of the issues that continues to be discussed between the two parties and that needs to be resolved before there is a final and permanent resolution to the conflict.

September 28th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Turner

Foreign Affairs committee  I don't think the Turkish access is significant in terms of the discussions around the corridor and linking it to the rest of Azerbaijan. The discussions between Armenia and Azerbaijan are much more focused. I would say what it is more significant for is an indication that because of the geography of the south Caucasus region and the complicated relationships between the different countries involved, it is one of the examples of how reaching a permanent peace agreement, as well as the normalization between Turkey and Armenia, would stand to benefit the region greatly by allowing for much greater regional economic integration than is currently possible because of the political situation.

September 28th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Turner

Foreign Affairs committee  In all of our bilateral discussions with countries, particularly Azerbaijan, we make it very clear that Canada wants to see diplomatic resolutions. The country's representatives tell us that this is their desire as well, and we continue to see a great deal of effort on their part to engage in diplomacy.

September 28th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Turner

Foreign Affairs committee  No, we do not have any reason to doubt the assessment of our allies.

September 28th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Turner

Foreign Affairs committee  We certainly would agree with the importance of troops returning to the positions. On the first point, just given the uncertainty of what specific trigger this round of conflict.... We have expressed our concern about the Azerbaijani shelling of Armenian territory, particularly the civilian areas beyond it, so that is something that Azerbaijan has done that we have expressed concern about.

September 28th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Turner