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Canadian Heritage committee  In terms of the question of whether it is time for Canada to ban hate symbols, my answer is yes. Fear fuels hate, and it's time now to educate and also provide the reality in terms of where these fears are coming from and set an example for the world that Canada can take the step of banning hate but also of educating.

April 27th, 2022Committee meeting

Roderick Brereton

Canadian Heritage committee  If I can just add this, day to day we'll be at a hockey game and either seeing bananas thrown onto the ice or pictures of monkeys on placards. In bathrooms that you go into, you may see drawings of hooded Ku Klux Klan members. As Farley was mentioning, it's in the eye of the beholder, of those people who have been oppressed or subjected to hate.

April 27th, 2022Committee meeting

Roderick Brereton

Canadian Heritage committee  As Farley ended off with, education from a broad spectrum of teaching our young people how to recognize hate from an empathetic perspective and also from our own historical perspective as Canadians is essential for us to get over this and to be well informed. Thank you.

April 27th, 2022Committee meeting

Roderick Brereton

Canadian Heritage committee  Okay. Urban Rez Solutions Social Enterprise prides itself, I would say, on imparting social education where the traditional school systems have not, whether it be on anti-Black racism or anti-Semitism or in terms of under-represented groups having a voice, and empowering community to have a voice when they often have not been seen or heard.

April 27th, 2022Committee meeting

Roderick Brereton

Canadian Heritage committee  Good afternoon, Chair and members of the committee. My name is Roderick Brereton. With me is my business partner, Farley Flex. Traditionally when we think of hate, we think of the swastikas, the Confederate flags and the N-word scrawled on lockers. Although these are definite, vile symbols that represent hatred, there are also contemporary symbols, and even though they're not in your face as they were in past days, they're now on different platforms—for instance, on the Zoom platform.

April 27th, 2022Committee meeting

Roderick Brereton